written by Elizabeth Smith, CPM, LDEM
The Utah Medical Association has very sneakily and dishonestly proposed a bill to the Utah Senate, much like last year's bill, that will take away the rights of most mothers to birth at home. At the Senate committee, both sides were ordered to work out a compromise. The UMA met with midwife representatives and came up with compromises to everything except a few items. Yesterday, the UMedA sent their own bill, without the agreed compromises to the Senate floor saying that it was the "Compromise" bill.
They totally lied and all but one Senator bought it and voted for it. Now the bill SB93 has gone to the house to be voted into law. PLEASE call everyone you know and have them email their Legislator and ask them to vote NO on SB93. They are being flooded with emails from doctors asking them to vote yes so they can restrict our rights and force us all to the hospital for birth. This is SO important. Go read the bill yourself. You will probably find that YOU fall into the high risk category like the rest of us. This is not about home birth vs hospital birth. This is about basic human rights and the rights of women to birth how they want to.
Please act on this quickly. Time is of the essence. Please write SB93 in the subject line and let them know you are one of their constituents, even including your address. To learn more about this and keep abreast on the happenings, please join utahfriendsofmidwives@yahoogroup.com
With this I include this quote:
"Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine
Will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of
Men and deny equal privileges to others; the Constitution of the Republic should make a
Special privilege for medical freedoms as well as religious freedom." Benjamin Rush, MD.,
a signer of the Declaration of Independence and personal physician to George Washington
May the Lord bless our Politicians to make the right choice,
Elizabeth Smith, CPM, LDEM