....I'm feeling the juicey vibes today and I'm just so dang thankful for my life. I feel like I want to shout out a great big "I Love You!" to everyone around me, and if you're reading this it includes you!
OK, maybe it's soppy....cheesy even, but I honestly have found so much joy, love and inspiration through my blog, the comments and all your lovely blogs. In the past year that my blog has gained readership and I've found all these great hip womyn out in cyberspace to drool over (in a mama to mama sorta way), it has actually made my quality of life better, honestly.
You make my life better.
Thank you for reading about and commenting on our lives and my thoughts about all the swirling issues around me. Thank you for just letting me be me in my own little nitch of the Net.
I want to give a hearty "shout out" to all you lovely ladies (and maybe a few men, who knows??? LOL) who inspire me everyday. You get me excited about the issues, you get me worked up when there's work to be done and you get me peaceful when it's time to take it down a notch. You are always infusing our daily homeschool practices with all your brilliant ideas and oh the crafty-ness.
Goddess bless you all for your crafty-ness.
I hope you all have a great day. I really do.
Peace Sistas.