Monday, May 31, 2010

Series: Men and Boys - Part 2 The Bridge

This is the second post in a series I'm writing over the course of the next week on men and boys. These posts are aimed at gaining a deeper level of understanding for the men and boys in our lives and how our attitudes and actions affect the relationships we have with the our precious male people.

I welcome your feedback, questions and suggestions. If you would like to guest post on this series email me please at aylayoga at gmail dot com

Part 2 The Bridge

I use to think girls were easier to raise for one main reason, they have very distinct growth cycles that I can honor. Her change into womanhood and what she needed from me at that time would be more apparent than a it would be with a boy, I assumed. When I gave birth to my first son I wasn't sure when he would change or which mild stones of his life I should honor or how.

Don and Jeanne Elium in their book, Raising a Son; Parents and the Making of a Healthy Man relate the development of boys to crossing over a bridge. If boys make a healthy transition each time they will ripen fully into healthy manhood.

From Mom to Dad

When a baby boy is born he is in his mother's world, completely. She is his moon and his stars, his day and his night - his whole being is in her. Around age seven a boy begins to be ready to leave his mother's world and walk across his first bridge into the world of his father.

For the next seven years a boy should be learning about his father's world. Working side by side with him when at all possible. He will make his most important connection to his father during these years. He will be very interested in what Dad does for a living and he will be happiest when helping with that.

These are the best years for father-son fishing trips and father-son talks. A boy will hang on his father's every word and it is crucial that the father model the best possible behavior during this period in his son's life. This includes no drinking, no smoking, respecting Mom, being patient with siblings, etc.

Some good ideas for this time period include;

- The son going to work with Dad whenever and however possible. Even 10 minutes here and there can make a huge difference.

- On days off Dad should be spending at least 4-5 hours, straight, with his sons in this age group. Working on cars, building a soap box car, playing sports, playing board games, going to the movies, ice skating, golfing, attending worship services, etc.

- Dad should take the lead in instructing his son during this time. Dad should be the ultimate authority in the house. In order to get across his bridge that son must distance himself from his mother at this time and that usually takes the form of refusing her requests, talking back, being rude, or general mischief. Dad should guide the son lovingly to help the son and mom during this time.

- Once Dad has had some space to himself after work, if he is up for processing his day he should do so by talking with is son about the challenges he faced and how he handled them.

- Dad should be a respectable figure and a leader. What are Dad's strengths? Good coach? Good chess player? Good writer? Spiritual? During this time in the son's life Dad should lead a group or activity he enjoys such as volunteering at church, coaching sports, leading a men's book club, directing a chess club, etc.

- Mom should respect Dad. Mom should show a good example by giving her partner love, attention and respect. She should not harp on her husband's "faults" especially around her son. No man is perfect but a boy needs to respect his Dad during this time irregardless of grown up issues. That's not to say Mom should let Dad be abusive. We all can recognize the difference between kind devotion and a door mat.

From Dad to the World

When a boy reaches about 14 it is time for him to leave his father's world and walk across the bridge which leads into his community. He has now fully absorbed his father and mother's worlds, what he can learn from them and what he cannot. Now he must learn from his community.

This is the stage where friendships and family become crucial. The boy at this age needs mentors - karate instructors, Uncles, neighbors, etc. If they are not there and waiting a boy can fall into unhealthy mentoring situations such as gangs or simply "hanging out with the wrong crowd."

This is the classic time when both Mom and Dad "know nothing" according to their teenage son. That's OK, he's on a journey now to find out what truth means for him. You've given him a solid foundation, he will find his way.

Some ideas for this time period are;

- Have your son involved in clubs and events and be sure to try and make friends with the male leaders of these groups and events. One good example is boy scouts or spiral scouts.

- Dad should have some good male friends who make healthy role models. Dad should plan group activities with these friends and their children such as camping trips, monthly bowling night or white water rafting.

- If a boy is upset and wont talk to his parents find someone he would be willing to talk to. Perhaps an uncle, friend or neighbor.

- If a boy is especially upset find a good, male, counselor to work with your son.

- Arrange mentoring opportunities. Volunteer work is the best and it can revolve around a boy's interest such as the coast guard, fire department, boy scouts, chess club, a local CSA etc.

Raising boys today isn't easy. We can all take a look around and see this world failing our young men every day. The tribal lifestyle we once led included a natural rhythm where boys would learn all the skills they needed from the village men at the proper time -this no longer exists.

Nowadays we must seek out experiences to mimick this pattern within our own lifestyles so that our boys can grown up with the attention and skills they need to be happy, healthy, thriving adults. What greater gift can a parent give this world then a healthy man who will enrich and inspire the people around him?

Series: Men and Boys - Part 2 The Bridge

This is the second post in a series I'm writing over the course of the next week on men and boys. These posts are aimed at gaining a deeper level of understanding for the men and boys in our lives and how our attitudes and actions affect the relationships we have with the our precious male people.

I welcome your feedback, questions and suggestions. If you would like to guest post on this series email me please at aylayoga at gmail dot com

Part 2 The Bridge

I use to think girls were easier to raise for one main reason, they have very distinct growth cycles that I can honor. Her change into womanhood and what she needed from me at that time would be more apparent than a it would be with a boy, I assumed. When I gave birth to my first son I wasn't sure when he would change or which mild stones of his life I should honor or how.

Don and Jeanne Elium in their book, Raising a Son; Parents and the Making of a Healthy Man relate the development of boys to crossing over a bridge. If boys make a healthy transition each time they will ripen fully into healthy manhood.

From Mom to Dad

When a baby boy is born he is in his mother's world, completely. She is his moon and his stars, his day and his night - his whole being is in her. Around age seven a boy begins to be ready to leave his mother's world and walk across his first bridge into the world of his father.

For the next seven years a boy should be learning about his father's world. Working side by side with him when at all possible. He will make his most important connection to his father during these years. He will be very interested in what Dad does for a living and he will be happiest when helping with that.

These are the best years for father-son fishing trips and father-son talks. A boy will hang on his father's every word and it is crucial that the father model the best possible behavior during this period in his son's life. This includes no drinking, no smoking, respecting Mom, being patient with siblings, etc.

Some good ideas for this time period include;

- The son going to work with Dad whenever and however possible. Even 10 minutes here and there can make a huge difference.

- On days off Dad should be spending at least 4-5 hours, straight, with his sons in this age group. Working on cars, building a soap box car, playing sports, playing board games, going to the movies, ice skating, golfing, attending worship services, etc.

- Dad should take the lead in instructing his son during this time. Dad should be the ultimate authority in the house. In order to get across his bridge that son must distance himself from his mother at this time and that usually takes the form of refusing her requests, talking back, being rude, or general mischief. Dad should guide the son lovingly to help the son and mom during this time.

- Once Dad has had some space to himself after work, if he is up for processing his day he should do so by talking with is son about the challenges he faced and how he handled them.

- Dad should be a respectable figure and a leader. What are Dad's strengths? Good coach? Good chess player? Good writer? Spiritual? During this time in the son's life Dad should lead a group or activity he enjoys such as volunteering at church, coaching sports, leading a men's book club, directing a chess club, etc.

- Mom should respect Dad. Mom should show a good example by giving her partner love, attention and respect. She should not harp on her husband's "faults" especially around her son. No man is perfect but a boy needs to respect his Dad during this time irregardless of grown up issues. That's not to say Mom should let Dad be abusive. We all can recognize the difference between kind devotion and a door mat.

From Dad to the World

When a boy reaches about 14 it is time for him to leave his father's world and walk across the bridge which leads into his community. He has now fully absorbed his father and mother's worlds, what he can learn from them and what he cannot. Now he must learn from his community.

This is the stage where friendships and family become crucial. The boy at this age needs mentors - karate instructors, Uncles, neighbors, etc. If they are not there and waiting a boy can fall into unhealthy mentoring situations such as gangs or simply "hanging out with the wrong crowd."

This is the classic time when both Mom and Dad "know nothing" according to their teenage son. That's OK, he's on a journey now to find out what truth means for him. You've given him a solid foundation, he will find his way.

Some ideas for this time period are;

- Have your son involved in clubs and events and be sure to try and make friends with the male leaders of these groups and events. One good example is boy scouts or spiral scouts.

- Dad should have some good male friends who make healthy role models. Dad should plan group activities with these friends and their children such as camping trips, monthly bowling night or white water rafting.

- If a boy is upset and wont talk to his parents find someone he would be willing to talk to. Perhaps an uncle, friend or neighbor.

- If a boy is especially upset find a good, male, counselor to work with your son.

- Arrange mentoring opportunities. Volunteer work is the best and it can revolve around a boy's interest such as the coast guard, fire department, boy scouts, chess club, a local CSA etc.

Raising boys today isn't easy. We can all take a look around and see this world failing our young men every day. The tribal lifestyle we once led included a natural rhythm where boys would learn all the skills they needed from the village men at the proper time -this no longer exists.

Nowadays we must seek out experiences to mimick this pattern within our own lifestyles so that our boys can grown up with the attention and skills they need to be happy, healthy, thriving adults. What greater gift can a parent give this world then a healthy man who will enrich and inspire the people around him?

Headlines - Monday May 31

Happy Memorial Day.
Watch this
Gulf Coast beachgoers unfazed by oil spill.

The religious make-up of the House of Commons

When did you last hear of a ‘reactionary humanist’? Or a ‘reactionary secularist’? Or, pace Professor Dawkins, a ‘reactionary atheist’?

Was Dr Evan Harris a reactionary in Parliament?

Or was he simply an apologist for his deeply and sincerely-held beliefs, desirous of making the world a better secular place?

The National Secular Society have studied a few statistics and gleefully established that ‘Reactionary Catholics are finding it harder to get elected’.

Well, so are reactionary Anglicans, but that’s by-the-by.

They note, however, a slight disparity between the two leading Roman Catholic journals The Catholic Herald and The Tablet (a slight disparity?) in the figures provided for the number of MPs who describe themselves as Roman Catholic:

According to the Catholic Herald, the number of Catholics elected to the House of Commons has risen from 64 to 68. According to the Tablet the number has fallen from 85 to 70. The Herald says 17 of the 68 are newly elected, while the Tablet says that 20 of the newcomers are Catholic. But, significantly, both agree that religious hardliners have found it more difficult to gain selection as candidates.
You would think, with today’s obsessive, anti-meriticratic, box-ticking bureaucracy, that establishing the professed religious adherence of MPs ought to be a fairly straightforward task. After all, they are supposed to be proportionally representative of the British population as a whole: there are quotas for women, Asian, black, gay and disabled parliamentary candidates, so you might think it quite logical that candidates are similarly sifted to ensure a representative religious plurality.

Not least because religion is likely to inform one’s political worldview considerably more than skin colour or sexuality.

Or perhaps that is only in Northern Ireland.

Can you imagine Harriet Harman ensuring all-Catholic shortlists to redress the outrageous of dominance of Protestants in Parliament?

And how would she ensure that the ‘right sort’ of Roman Catholic was selected?

Or perhaps she did for her husband…

Yet with 70 MPs out of 650, it would appear that Parliament does indeed contain a number of Roman Catholic MPs roughly in proportion to the national demographic.

It is the Jedi who are appallingly let down by the present selection gender-sexuality-ethnicity-disability emphasis in candidate selection.

If one were to constitute the House of Commons in proportion to the religious make-up of the nation (excluding the agnostics, atheists and undeclared) it ought to contain 17 Muslims, 6 Hindus, 4 Sikhs, 3 Jews, 2 Buddhists, 465 Christians and 6 Jedi Knights.

But unless you are a one-legged lesbian Muslim in a hoodie, you have little hope of expounding reactionary Jedi philosophy at the dispatch box.

Curiously, one Roman Catholic Labour MP who lost her seat, Geraldine Smith, said that her co-religionist candidates ‘have come under pressure for their views on issues such as assisted suicide, abortion and gay adoption’.

Curious that.

Dr Evan Harris was defeated by an Evangelical Christian in Oxford West and Abingdon, whose views on assisted suicide, abortion and gay adoption appear to be more in tune with the electorate than the ‘reactionary’ views of Dr Harris.

It is also posited that Roman Catholics with ambitions to be Labour MPs are less likely to be supportive of the Church’s position than Conservative Roman Catholics.

It comes as no surprise that there are more Tory readers of The Catholic Herald than there are Labour.

It perhaps explains why so many Roman Catholics still vote Labour, despite Labour’s 13-year-long assault on the Christian faith.

According to The Catholic Herald, there are 40 Labour Roman Catholic MPs, only 19 Conservative, five Lib Dems, 3 SDLP and one Scottish Nationalist.

It is curious that they omit members of Sinn Fein. While they may not take their seats, they are most certainly MPs and ought to be included for statistical purposes.

Unless they are dismissed for not being ‘proper’ Catholics.

The known religious make-up of the present House of Commons is roughly:

70 Roman Catholic (10.8 per cent)
8 Muslim (1.2 per cent)
24 Jewish (3.7 per cent)

As far as Cranmer knows, no-one has yet pigeon-holed the others, though you would think the number of Sikhs and Hindus ought to be quite easy to discover. Surprisingly, there are no figures for the number of Anglicans in Parliament, perhaps because they cannot agree on what one is.

In an era where the buzz-word is proportionality, it is worth observing that while the Roman Catholic contingent is proportionate (11 per cent), Jews are vastly over-represented (with 280,000 adherents, they constitute 0.46 per cent of the population).

In fact, if Muslims (who number 2.4 million or 3.9 per cent of the population) were to be similarly over-represented, there would be 200 of them in Parliament.

And then, perhaps, questions might be asked.

Of course, referring to someone as a Christian or Catholic MP, a Jewish MP, a Muslim MP or a Sikh or Hindu MP is really quite meaningless: by their voting fruits you shall know them.

David Miliband, for example, describes himself as an atheist, and yet the Jewish Chronicle includes him in their list of Jews.

Not all Zionists are Jews.

And not all Roman Catholics read The Catholic Herald.

For the avoidance of doubt, His Grace is Anglican, which means he is Catholic.

He may not be in Parliament, but he is ‘reactionary’.

If he were not so, he would be neither Anglican nor Catholic.

Or particularly Christian.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Headlines - Sunday May 30

The U.S. military is reviewing options for a unilateral strike in Pakistan in the event that a successful attack on American soil is traced to the country's tribal areas, according to senior military officials.

The United States continues to lead the world in defense spending, according to a new report released Thursday by the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, a U.S.-based non-partisan research organization.

In fact, the U.S. outspends Russia, the next highest spender, by more than 800 percent. 

In 2008, the most recent year for which figures are available, the U.S. expenditure was 696.3 billion dollars, followed by Russia's 86 billion and China's 83.5 billion. 
Gulf crisis command center guarded by Wackenhut
As in the Wackenhut hazing scandal from Afghanistan. What, wasn't Blackwater available? They're blocking media access as you might expect. This whole transparency thing sounds a little different than the transparency I used to know. Ahhh, modern times where the corporate world calls the shots and runs the show.
There are now photos to match the BP tweets.

Soooo… Now what?

After indicating on Thursday that the top-kill effort was working, then pausing the operation, then resuming it and indicating that it is going as planned on Friday, BP now says that the amount of oil spewing from the well hasn't changed, and there is not guarantee that the procedure is actually working.

"I don't think the amount of oil coming out has changed," BP chief operating officer Doug Suttles said on Saturday. "Just by watching it, we don't believe it's changed."

So we're back to trying to put a hat on the damned thing that will allow BP to salvage the well?  There is absolutely no reason for a public that's tired of being treated like mushrooms... kept in the dark and fed a daily ration of bullshit... to believe this will be any more successful than your last three efforts. So, what happens if this latest scheme doesn't work?    

He estimated that the procedure would take about four days to complete, but if it also fails, it could be several months before BP can finish drilling two relief wells to intersect the runaway well so concrete can be poured into it.

Oh, is that all?  What does that mean to the rest of us then?

As much as 73 million more gallons of oil could contaminate the Gulf of Mexico if the flow continues unabated until August _ the soonest that officials estimate the relief wells can be drilled _ poisoning wildlife, destroying fragile marshlands, closing more fishing grounds and depriving fisherman, resort workers and many others of their livelihoods.

In other words, a minimum of two more months of the same crap that's been going on for 6 weeks already right?

So you people really had nothing... not one god damned thing... ready to deal with this situation that you yourselves were creating when you went into the deep water drilling business?  You're just stumbling around in the fricking dark trying one hit or miss scheme after another hoping that something will work?  Hell, I could do that.

And what about all the other wells in the Gulf?  It's my understanding that there are over 3500 of the damned things out there, many of them drilled by companies with exactly the same regard for the rest of the world exhibited by BP.

How many of them are sitting out there like ticking time bombs just waiting to become major catastrophes themselves?  Does our government even know?  Probably not.  They obviously haven't provided any oversight or exercised any form of control over the companies involved.  They really don't seem to know much at all about anything that's been going on in the Gulf, or anywhere else where private corporations are sucking the resources out of our public lands.

I had been advocating just blowing this sucker up... now I would favor stuffing all the oil company execs and the entire MMS into the damned thing to slow the flow. And THEN blowing it up.  If someone hasn't suggested that yet, consider this a proposal.

In years to come, I predict there will be a lot of scholarly books on the groupthink that took place in the run-up to this disaster, much like the Tompkins books on the Challenger disaster.

In other news, bin Laden states he is professionally envious of BP.

Since corporations are considered persons, how about building a prison large enough to put BP in it?
Covering BP's ASS
The FAA has placed two Temporary Flight Restrictions (TFRs, a/k/a "no-fly zones") over much of the Gulf of Mexico from the surface to 3,000'. The stated purpose is "DUE TO THE NUMEROUS LOW LEVEL OPERATIONS ASSOCIATED WITH THE DEEPWATER HORIZON."
All aircraft operations are prohibited except those flights authorized by ATC, routine flights supporting offshore oil operations; federal, State, local and military flight operations supporting oil spill recovery and reconstitution efforts; and air medical and law enforcement operations.

What the two TFRs do, of course, is keep aircraft hired by reporters and conservation groups from observing what is going on.

It is clear which side of the picture this Administration is on, and that is
the side of BP. That would have been expected from the Cheney-Chimpy Administration and we all would have been appropriately cynical about it, but this is far, far worse.

So what is the alternative to the Democrats when it comes to looking out for the interests of working people? The Teabaggers are clearly not it; they are an astroturf group for the GOP. The Libertarians are even worse than the GOP.

Who stands up for us? Maybe three senators out of 100: Russ Feingold, Bernie Sanders and Al Franken, perhaps? It's becoming clear that this administration does not.

We are so screwed.
Gulf oil spill shifts attitudes: 51% say drilling risks outweigh benefits.
Jeebus. Only 51%?
click to zoom
Israel: the peaceful nation
Does the phrase "suicidally narcissistic" ring a bell? "Israel says it will not take part in a conference aimed at achieving a nuclear-arms free Middle East, proposed at a UN meeting in New York. Nearly 200 nations, signatories of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), backed plans for the meeting in 2012. In a document agreed at the talks, Israel was singled out for criticism. Israel, which has not signed the NPT, dismissed the document as "deeply flawed" and "hypocritical". "It ignores the realities of the Middle East and the real threats facing the region and the entire world," the Israeli government said in a statement quoted by the AFP news agency."  
Frank Rich: Obama's Katrina? Maybe Worse

The Coalition's first foray into the defence of Christianity

A row has been brewing over recent months about prayers before council meetings. The National Secular Society has instructed a solicitor to take its battle with Bideford Town Council, in Devon, to the High Court, claiming the policy breaches human rights.

The litigation comes after atheist councillor Clive Bone raised objections to the prayers being integrated into proceedings.

Holding prayers before council meetings is 'not appropriate in modern-day Britain' and may even be putting off potential members, the NSS believes.

They argue that formal recitation of prayers at the meetings breaches Article 9 of the European Convention of Human Rights, which protects freedom of thought, conscience and religion. Now the group is seeking a judicial review to settle the issue.

NSS executive director Keith Porteous-Wood said: "We've instructed our solicitor to go the High Court. We had a complaint from a Bideford councillor (Mr Bone) about the prayers. He's an atheist and found it embarassing and inappropriate that this should be an integral part of the meeting."

Writing on the NSS website, he explained: "The councillor objects to being subjected to prayers, or having to leave the chamber while they are said. Elected councillors of public bodies should not be put in such an uncomfortable and embarrassing position. The council's purpose is to provide local services, not church services.

"The councillor is aware of potential councillors who are put off becoming candidates because of this archaic practice. The practice is therefore interfering with operation of local democracy.

"There is a chronic shortage of candidates and unnecessary obstacles to new councillors should be discouraged.

"It is nonsense to claim that the rights of councillors to manifest their religion would be restricted if the review is successful.

"Councillors can, like anyone else, go to church or pray at home whenever they wish, and indeed we do not have a problem with them praying separately before or after council meetings.

"But it is not appropriate in modern-day Britain for prayers to form an integral part of the council meeting."

Letters written to the council, claiming that the prayers are illegal, have not changed its attitude, leaving the NSS to take legal action, he said.

A win in the High Court would set a precedent as thousands of other councils (not to mention both Houses of Parliament) also say prayers before their meetings. Similar issues with pre-meeting prayers have arisen at Wellington Council, Shropshire, Torbay Council, in Devon, and at Whaley Bridge, in Derbyshire.

Mayor of Bideford Phil Pester said: "We took the decision that we would see what the judge says about it. It won't cost us anything at this stage. If the judge decides it is illegal then, fair enough, we will think again. Until such time we are sitting tight. We took two democratic votes on this and there has been a substantial majority in favour of the prayers. We only have 12 full council meetings a year. The prayers last about four minutes. It is a minuscule amount of time."

But the new Communities Secretary Eric Pickles has responded rather robustly, saying: "While I cannot comment on a specific court case, the new Government recognises and respects the role that faith communities play in our society.

"Prayers are an important part of the religious and cultural fabric of the British nation.

"While the decision on whether to hold prayers is a matter for local councils, I want to ensure that they continue to have the freedom to do so."

Freedom to pray? Freedom to maintain the distinctive Christian character of the nation? Freedom to preach orthodox Christian views? This is The Coalition's first foray into the religion-equality quagmire created by Labour.

Eric Pickles, Defender of the Faith.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Series: Men and Boys, Part 1 - Allowing for Protection

This is the first post in a series I'm writing over the course of the next week on men and boys. These posts are aimed at gaining a deeper level of understanding for the men and boys in our lives and how our attitudes and actions affect the relationships we have with the our precious male people.

I welcome your feedback, questions and suggestions. If you would like to guest post on this series email me please at aylayoga at gmail dot com

Part 1 - Allowing for Protection

Men have a need to protect. This is the male side of the nurturing coin. Women protect as well. We are fierce Mama Bears when it comes to our young but unlike women men don't protect simply to nurture those they love when called upon, no, they have a deep, passionate longing to protect something vulnerable nearly everyday. It is rooted in their DNA and in their soul. Their genes tell them, a good man, a successful man, protects that which is weaker, the woman and children.

So here is where modern life complicates matters. In the wild women are weaker, more at risk. In general we do not have the muscle mass of men and pregnancy and child bearing make it more difficult for us to flee from predators or fight off an attacking tribe.

Women today own their own homes with alarm systems. They are police women and soldiers. They have jobs, earn their own money and buy their own food. We no longer need men to protect us or our children and we act like it. So what then happens to this deep need men have to protect us?

My theory is the man whose biological and spiritual nature to protect is halted will do one of two things. The first option is to deattach. If he's not needed why should he even try? Men will separate themselves fully from the relationship they have with their wife and children in regards to care taking. He may think, if Ms. Supermom can do it all why is he even around? Here is where the deadbeat dad is born. He skips out mentally, emotionally, physically or all three because he cannot function naturally.

The second option is to find an enemy, any enemy. He MUST protect his family from something and if nothing exists then he must invent something. This is where Glenn Beck is born. Someone is an enemy hell-bent on destroying his family so it must be; Iraq, terrorists, illegal immigrants, homosexuals, Jews, atheists, socialism - any danger he can "see." He will lash out at this danger however he see fit.

We see these traits in our boys. Their all encompassing OBSESSION with guns and weapons of any kind. Their drive to fight and defend. We can tell our boys that guns are bad all we want but their body, mind and soul tells them different. It tells them guns are good. Guns get food, guns keep away enemies - guns good.

So what do we women do to hold space for this reality? We be weak. (I can hear you gasping). I'm not saying we need to be a princess in a tower completely and wholly dependent upon a man - no that's too unbalanced in the other direction. What I am saying is we need to make him feel like we need him.

We don't have to fain weakness either. We simply notice our own weaknesses and accept that part of the beauty of being in a relationship is that we help each other out. We allow our men to protect us. We remind them how much we need them whenever we can. Not in a clingy, desperate way, not in an "adding to his stress with our demands" kind of way but in a humble, appreciative way.

Here are some examples of things we can do with our husbands.

- Let him earn the money. I believe every woman should have a savings account for an emergency as well as a trade or education but especially if you have children together - let him earn the money and tell him how thankful you are that he does so.

- Cuddle up close to him in scary situations i.e. horror movies, camping at night, a dark street. Ask him to go into the house first to make sure it's OK when you come home late at night.

- When you're upset and fighting don't EVER tell him you don't need him. Don't tell him "I could get my own place and work for my Aunt So-in-so, I don't need you!"

- Recognize his attempts to protect you and encourage it. If he doesn't want you out passed midnight on your girls night out because he's afraid for you, respect that.

- Let him take the lead in situations of safety. If the car breaks down on the side of the road don't argue about the best plan of action. Let him take the reigns and decide how to proceed.

- The most important thing, really HONOR all of the above. Don't fold your arms and think inside sarcastically, "I'll let the 'big man' handle this one." No, actually be gracious inside as well as out because the human species would not be here if it wasn't for the protective abilities of men, and that's OK to acknowledge.

Here are some examples of how to honor the protective needs of our boys.

- Channel their fighting energy into "the good fight." Read stories about strong men who helped and saved others (fiction or non) with the strength of their muscles as well as their minds. Some good examples are; Dr. Martin Luther King, Robin Hood, Jesus, Krishna, Rowan of Rin (by Emily Rudd), George Washington, etc.

- Give them something to protect. Especially if they have no younger siblings to help out with, make sure they have a pet. Let them be especially involved in the protection of that pet such as building a cage or backyard play area.

- Get them out in the community protecting and defending the weak. Volunteer at a soup kitchen or animal shelter. Sign older boys up for life guard training.

- Let them take some risks, let them feel in control. Once they are strong enough ask them to help you when you need it. I know a woman who went out walking a trail and dusk came quicker than she realized. She was frightened that there may be bob cats or bears out so she called her 16 year-old son on the phone and asked him to come to the trail and walk her home.

Life is about balance. Humans are meant to be in pairs, in families so that we can balance each other. Allow yourself to be protected and watch the beauty of your men unfold before you in a healthy expression of their deep selves.

Series: Men and Boys, Part 1 - Allowing for Protection

This is the first post in a series I'm writing over the course of the next week on men and boys. These posts are aimed at gaining a deeper level of understanding for the men and boys in our lives and how our attitudes and actions affect the relationships we have with the our precious male people.

I welcome your feedback, questions and suggestions. If you would like to guest post on this series email me please at aylayoga at gmail dot com

Part 1 - Allowing for Protection

Men have a need to protect. This is the male side of the nurturing coin. Women protect as well. We are fierce Mama Bears when it comes to our young but unlike women men don't protect simply to nurture those they love when called upon, no, they have a deep, passionate longing to protect something vulnerable nearly everyday. It is rooted in their DNA and in their soul. Their genes tell them, a good man, a successful man, protects that which is weaker, the woman and children.

So here is where modern life complicates matters. In the wild women are weaker, more at risk. In general we do not have the muscle mass of men and pregnancy and child bearing make it more difficult for us to flee from predators or fight off an attacking tribe.

Women today own their own homes with alarm systems. They are police women and soldiers. They have jobs, earn their own money and buy their own food. We no longer need men to protect us or our children and we act like it. So what then happens to this deep need men have to protect us?

My theory is the man whose biological and spiritual nature to protect is halted will do one of two things. The first option is to deattach. If he's not needed why should he even try? Men will separate themselves fully from the relationship they have with their wife and children in regards to care taking. He may think, if Ms. Supermom can do it all why is he even around? Here is where the deadbeat dad is born. He skips out mentally, emotionally, physically or all three because he cannot function naturally.

The second option is to find an enemy, any enemy. He MUST protect his family from something and if nothing exists then he must invent something. This is where Glenn Beck is born. Someone is an enemy hell-bent on destroying his family so it must be; Iraq, terrorists, illegal immigrants, homosexuals, Jews, atheists, socialism - any danger he can "see." He will lash out at this danger however he see fit.

We see these traits in our boys. Their all encompassing OBSESSION with guns and weapons of any kind. Their drive to fight and defend. We can tell our boys that guns are bad all we want but their body, mind and soul tells them different. It tells them guns are good. Guns get food, guns keep away enemies - guns good.

So what do we women do to hold space for this reality? We be weak. (I can hear you gasping). I'm not saying we need to be a princess in a tower completely and wholly dependent upon a man - no that's too unbalanced in the other direction. What I am saying is we need to make him feel like we need him.

We don't have to fain weakness either. We simply notice our own weaknesses and accept that part of the beauty of being in a relationship is that we help each other out. We allow our men to protect us. We remind them how much we need them whenever we can. Not in a clingy, desperate way, not in an "adding to his stress with our demands" kind of way but in a humble, appreciative way.

Here are some examples of things we can do with our husbands.

- Let him earn the money. I believe every woman should have a savings account for an emergency as well as a trade or education but especially if you have children together - let him earn the money and tell him how thankful you are that he does so.

- Cuddle up close to him in scary situations i.e. horror movies, camping at night, a dark street. Ask him to go into the house first to make sure it's OK when you come home late at night.

- When you're upset and fighting don't EVER tell him you don't need him. Don't tell him "I could get my own place and work for my Aunt So-in-so, I don't need you!"

- Recognize his attempts to protect you and encourage it. If he doesn't want you out passed midnight on your girls night out because he's afraid for you, respect that.

- Let him take the lead in situations of safety. If the car breaks down on the side of the road don't argue about the best plan of action. Let him take the reigns and decide how to proceed.

- The most important thing, really HONOR all of the above. Don't fold your arms and think inside sarcastically, "I'll let the 'big man' handle this one." No, actually be gracious inside as well as out because the human species would not be here if it wasn't for the protective abilities of men, and that's OK to acknowledge.

Here are some examples of how to honor the protective needs of our boys.

- Channel their fighting energy into "the good fight." Read stories about strong men who helped and saved others (fiction or non) with the strength of their muscles as well as their minds. Some good examples are; Dr. Martin Luther King, Robin Hood, Jesus, Krishna, Rowan of Rin (by Emily Rudd), George Washington, etc.

- Give them something to protect. Especially if they have no younger siblings to help out with, make sure they have a pet. Let them be especially involved in the protection of that pet such as building a cage or backyard play area.

- Get them out in the community protecting and defending the weak. Volunteer at a soup kitchen or animal shelter. Sign older boys up for life guard training.

- Let them take some risks, let them feel in control. Once they are strong enough ask them to help you when you need it. I know a woman who went out walking a trail and dusk came quicker than she realized. She was frightened that there may be bob cats or bears out so she called her 16 year-old son on the phone and asked him to come to the trail and walk her home.

Life is about balance. Humans are meant to be in pairs, in families so that we can balance each other. Allow yourself to be protected and watch the beauty of your men unfold before you in a healthy expression of their deep selves.

Headlines - Saturday May 29


Maybe if someone shows this to Obama, he'll close the place. And the secret second prison in Bagram where we are still torturing:
Most Guantanamo detainees low-level fighters, task force report says.
The Palin Brand
In the midst of one of the most precipitous political crashes in the Mountain West, Sarah Palin made a mad dash into Boise on Friday, urging the election of a man who had plagiarized his campaign speech from Barack Obama, had been rebuked by the military for misusing the Marine uniform and had called the American territory of Puerto Rico a separate country.

And why not? Vaughn Ward, the Republican congressional candidate from Idaho, has the dubious character trifecta of the Palin brand: bone-headed, defiant and willfully ignorant. When told that Puerto Rico was not a country, he said, "I don't care what you call it."

We just had the 1,000 US death in the Afghanistan war, which is also our longest running war, ever.

So sad. Let's not forget that our long weekend is to remember our heroes — whoever they happen to be — and to remember those who have gone before us.


If you're ever lucky enough to be in Afghanistan, Gunnery Sgt. Benjamin Lepping's left butt cheek has a special surprise… the soldier said. "I decided, 'What could be better than getting a tattoo of the hottest cougar in the Republican Party?'"

And all this time I just thought Mooselini was a butt-head.

(Raw Story)


The start of the cougar season

Happy Memorial Day to Sarah Palin and the troops! (same thing)

Hooray, it's… an ugly Blingee! It depicts America's Fence, keepin' those perverts away from America's Piper Palin, except for the ones that can moondance through the large, large gap. Happy Memorial Day weekend to the troops, as well as regular humans! Everyone walkin' around the beach, stone drunk, no pants, no nothin'…


Money well spent? - Dims pass a $60 BILLION war bill.

Deficit reduction 1 - Dims cut $24 BILLION in healthcare extensions for the unemployed.

Deficit reduction 2 - Dims cut $23 BILLION payout to preserve 100,000 teachers's jobs.

And that is our lesson today about priorities, and how to balance the budget GOP-style, which means on the backs of the poor. Besides, why do we need to educate the cannon fodder?


Liveblogging Obama On The Gulf Coast, Talking About… Let's See… Oil Spill?

Barack Obama is down in Louisiana near the abandoned beaches and marshes soaked in oil and murder. He has a little podium set up near some rocks, protecting him from the oil and mud and dead animals and unemployment. Let's see what he has to say, if he ever talks! We hear that he's going to throw some money at gulf coast people. Hooray!

3:00 — OBAMA'S COMING OUT. It looks so hot out there. Oh good god, he has Charlie Crist on one side, David Vitter on the other. Is it possible for Obama to get out of this situation without a brutal gangbang?

More here. 
But Could Saint Ronald Reagan Possibly Be As Corrupt As Barack Obama?
Watergate x1 billion
Legal, normal political dealing with Sestak made sleazy by Bill Clinton's involvement

A sleestak does look pretty damned sexy dressed up like a Navy Officer!

Ha ha, how'd that "White House investigation" go, Barack? Pretty good, we bet: "It has been suggested that the Administration may have offered Congressman Sestak the position of Secretary of the Navy in the hope that he would accept the offer and abandon a Senate candidacy. This is false." Hooray! But what about the other thing, the part everybody's actually jabbering about? "The White House Chief of Staff enlisted the support of former President Clinton who agreed to raise with Congressman Sestak options of service on a Presidential or other Senior Executive Branch Advisory Board. Congressman Sestak declined the suggested alternatives, remaining committed to his Senate candidacy." Who is reporting this made-up sleaze? Oh, the White House counsel? Okay. MORE »


Who the hell wishes he was Steve Doocy?!

Ha ha, I mean, oh gross! The damn socialist teleprompter strikes again! Or did it...

Fox News anchor Clayton Morris called himself the wrong name Friday -- twice!

Morris was reading the intro to the Fox & Friends web feature, Fox Flash, when he jokingly introduced himself as "Fox & Friends" co-host Steve Doocy.

"Hey there everyone, I'm Steve Doocy, this is your Fox Flash," Morris said.

At the end of the segment, he did it again.

"That's your morning Fox Flash, I'm Steve Doocy," he said.

A Fox News insider says, "It was wishful thinking on Morris' part, and executives didn't find it amusing."

OK, Maybe Gretchen Carlson does. But that's besides the point.



The Grand Old Panderers

Last night, Republican warnings of voting as a block turned out to be bluster. They'd promised a "vigorous defense" of the policy of Don't Ask, Don't Tell, but five Republicans wound up voting for repeal. Rising GOP star Paul Ryan actually sat out the vote, perhaps a signal that Republican house leadership had given up on the idea. And shame on the 26 Democrats who voted against it. Still, the repeal -- conditional though it is -- passed the house 229-168. Sanity prevailed.
Christian Prisons

The struggle toward the creation of a theocratic state continues…

Corrections Concepts Inc.'s effort to establish America's first all-Christian prison in Oklahoma has hit some roadblocks, but it is still continuing to move down the pike.

And while the proposal might still be a pipedream for Bill Robinson, the founder of Corrections Concepts Inc., it appears to be inching ever closer to reality.

Robinson recently told the Tulsa (Oklahoma) World that a bonding company had expressed interest in his project — a private prison administered by Christian officials, attended to by Christian guards, adhering to Christian programming and stocked with Christian prisoners — and that full funding for it depended upon states agreeing to send 285 prisoners to the facility.

Wonderful, except that…

"Tax payers should never be forced to support religious indoctrination," said the Rev. Barry W. Lynn, executive director of Americans United. "This scheme is fraught with constitutional problems, and no state should subsidize it."

In the letters to corrections officials, Americans United attorneys — Legal Director Ayesha N. Khan and Staff Attorney Ian Smith — noted that in 2007, a federal appeals court struck down public funding of an evangelical Christian program at an Iowa prison. The Christian prison in Oklahoma, they say, would likely meet the same fate.

"If the Department were to provide funding to Corrections Concepts' prison, indoctrination would be the inevitable result…," Americans United asserted. "And, just as inevitably, the funding of such indoctrination would violate the Constitution."

How about also introducing Muslim prisons, Jewish prisons and prisons for atheists?  And if you're going that route, then why not have prisons for blacks and others for whites?  A Hispanic one would be nice too for all them illegals running around.  Once that is done then prisons could be segregated based on sexual orientation.  A prison for white, gay, Christians sounds appealing.  And here's a novel idea: why not set up prisons based on political affiliation?  I'm sure conservative child rapists would be relieved to know they would never have to shower in the company of filthy libruls.

Sigh.  Another screwed up idea courtesy of the clowns at the Christian Taliban…


Post Title Amaze in Blogger

We already talked about how Google search engine works, and from Matt Cutts’ explanation- it was clear that blog post title has a great role in SEO.
If you are using Blogger, you will observe that the individual post title is separated with a colon after the Blog title. Got it? Well, take a look at the screenshot below.

Tweaking the template to achieve this is very easy. If you find removing the navigation bar easy, what you are going to do now is just as easy as the pie. Just follow these simple steps.

Note: Always backup your template just in case something goes wrong!

1. Find this code in your template:


2. Replace that code with this:

<b:if cond= 'data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;'>

3. Save your template and you’re done!

Now, your individual posts in Blogger will have unique post title.
If you have something in mind, just leave a comment below.

Toby Blair? / David Laws and James Lundie

Perhaps this is the sort of sloppy journalism and careless error one might expect when a once-great journal of political discourse descends to little more than a sleazy tabloid.

No further comment required...


It appears (despite the original heading of this post simply being 'Toby Blair?') that some communicants (and therefore, undoubtedly, readers) are unable to grasp the irony of the juxtaposition of this Telegraph headline with His Grace's perfunctory comment upon an utterly insignifcant typo.

As if His Grace usually concerns himself with such trivia.

Only a few days ago, after an outstanding performance at the Dispatch Box, David Laws was being tipped as a future prime minister. Only a few weeks ago, Nick Clegg was playing his holier-than-thou and whiter-than-white cards in the leaders' debates: the Liberal Democrats, he averred, were not tarnished with expenses sleaze 'like the main parties'.

And now we have this revelation.

Let Cranmer be clear: this is not an issue of Mr Laws' sexuality but of his financial probity. It is not a question of his right to a private life but a question mark over the public's confidence in his financial judgement.

David Laws is effectively the UK's chief accountant. It appears that he has been paying rent to his partner of nine years, amounting to a sum of £40,000. He insists that he has not personally benefited financially from the arrangement: indeed, it would seem that the taxpayer has made quite a saving. But if Mr Laws had been claiming welfare benefits whilst living with his partner, it would have amounted to theft. While he may not personally have benefited from the arrangement, his common-law civil parter most certainly has. And Mr Laws has ensured this. By assisting his partner to buy another house, he entered into a financial arrangement which, on paper, may be of no benefit to Mr Laws but which, in reality, benbefits them both.

His Grace simply wishes to be consistent on this.

If this were a Labour minister, ConservativeHome and Iain Dale would be baying for blood. As it is, the former is simply recommending that we await the verdict of the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards and the latter is actually supporting Mr Laws, for whom he has considerable compassion and understanding (as he has for James Lundie).

But one should not let compassion, coalition or co-sexuality affiliation cloud the central issue.

Just as it would be quite wrong for David Laws to be dismissed over The Telegraph's revelation of Mr Laws' sexuality, so equally is it wrong that he should be pitied, understood and remain in his position because of his sexuality. For an accountant to enter into the arrangement he did is a display of poor financial judgement.

In the words of Lord Sugar, regretfully, for that reason alone, David, you're fired.

Friday, May 28, 2010

We're Moving!

I haven't been blogging much lately. I've been super busy because we are moving to Boulder, CO! We've been looking at moving to either Utah or Colorado for a few years now and all the sudden everything has come together for us to be in CO!

We're moving in mid-July! I have a month and a half to get our house packed up, cleaned up and ready to go!

The down side is that Seth will not be coming with us at first. He has to finish his job here which ends in December. We'll be living with my mom until Seth comes out. Moving three boys, myself and two guinea pigs half way across the country is going to be an adventure!

Boulder here we come!

We're Moving!

I haven't been blogging much lately. I've been super busy because we are moving to Boulder, CO! We've been looking at moving to either Utah or Colorado for a few years now and all the sudden everything has come together for us to be in CO!

We're moving in mid-July! I have a month and a half to get our house packed up, cleaned up and ready to go!

The down side is that Seth will not be coming with us at first. He has to finish his job here which ends in December. We'll be living with my mom until Seth comes out. Moving three boys, myself and two guinea pigs half way across the country is going to be an adventure!

Boulder here we come!

Floella Benjamin enobled

The list of new peers has been announced.

Cranmer could take issue with quite a few - like John Maples (for services to resignation timing); Shireen Ritchie (for services to being Guy's mother, Madonna's mother-in-law and manipulating Conservative candidate selection); Sir Ian Blair (for services to incompetent policing); Quentin Davies ( for services to ratting); John Prescott (for services to his secretary)...

But Floella Benjamin?

Baroness Benjamin of the Square Window?

Oh, please.

Headlines - Friday May 28

Did you plug the hole yet, Daddy?
Here's the Emotional Clip from today's Obamar press conference, where he tries to prove that he is "sufficiently enraged" over this whole oil spill with an anecdote, about how his freaking daughter wakes him up every morning by asking the annoying question, "Did you plug the hole yet, daddy?" Send that gal to military school, is what we came away with. What about Matt Drudge?
One might also imagine her asking, did you stop the wars and drone attacks and torture, Daddy?
Dozens of Italian women who have had relationships with Roman Catholic priests or lay monks have endorsed an open letter to the pope that calls for the abolition of the celibacy rule. The letter, thought by one signatory to be unprecedented, argues that a priest "needs to live with his fellow human beings, experience feelings, love and be loved"
Republicans Demand a Government Takeover and Bailout of the Oil Spill
Bob Cesca

Now that crude has begun to wash upon the shores and wetlands of Republican red states, any superficial bumper sticker griping about socialism has been temporarily forgotten.

That's the bitch about building a party platform around specious, shallow platitudes. They might be effective in terms of rallying the easily-led, low information base, but as soon as practicality steps in, all sloganeering is dropped in lieu of confronting and dealing with reality. Subsequently, these alleged free market state's rights small government anti-regulation southern conservative cardboard standee Republicans continue to demand federal help and socialized taxpayer money. The Republicans are demanding redistributed wealth from Pennsylvania and Vermont and Illinois and New York and Massachusetts with all of its socialist bleeding heart tree-hugging environmental wacko liberals.

However hypocritical the Republicans might be on this, they're ultimately correct. The federal government has a responsibility to protect our economy, our natural resources and our lives from the destruction that's often wrought by irresponsible corporations. Thanks, Republicans, for finally catching up.

The Repugs haven't caught up with jack shit. As soon as this oil mess is off the news cycle they will conveniently forget their moment of sensibility and it'll be back to business as usual.

But for as long as it lasts I am enjoying the irony of them being forced to pop their heads up out of their own ideological muck and mire and draw a nice clean breath of reality.

Infamous singing Senator from Utah, Orrin Hatch, is fed up with people pretending to be heroes (He's looking at you, Richard Blumenthal), and so he is attempting to make a change to the 2005 Stolen Honor Act, which criminalized false claims of military service. Hatch says:

My amendment would add to this existing statute, making false statements regarding participation in combat operations. It appears to me that individuals make these false claims in order to obtain honorariums, employment, elected office or other positions of authority.

If convicted of this misdemeanor offense, the perpetrator could face 6 months in jail and/or a fine. This is the same penalty for falsely obtaining and wearing awards or medals.

To which I can only reply:


Wikipedia entry on Chimpy McStagger


Perspective ...
While not minimizing the BP disaster, nor my sadness at the damage to the environment and the locals' way of life, they sure as hell didn't bitch about the money companies like BP brought in:
... I've been schooled recently that the people of Louisiana love their corrupt politicians and expect them to keep Big Oil happy.

These are the folks who don't want "big government" meddling in their affairs, who don't want the gravy train derailed because of "government regulation", yet they're on every TV show now, bitching about how the government hasn't done enough to help them.

Sorry, but you can't have it both ways.

You can't welcome these corporations with open arms, hearing their promises of employment and money, dancing for joy as the leases were sold, and then cry when they
give you the shaft...

Times Picayune outdoors Editor Bob Marshall put the blame on the backs of Louisiana's elected officials, saying they became boosters for development, not protectors of the public trust. "The shock being expressed by these folks – and many of their constituents – at the terrible environmental gamble that comes with offshore drilling goes beyond preaching caution after the horse is out of the barn. After all, these same groups helped open the barn door, hung a feed bucket around the horse's neck, and then gave it a good slap on the rump to speed it on its way."

Yes, there is plenty of blame to go around. But maybe it goes beyond just the feds, the Louisiana congressional delegation, and other public officials. The state as a whole just might want to take a look in the mirror. Louisiana was seduced by an outside industry full of vast economic promises. The money came in easily and there can be no dispute that many new jobs were created. But when you put the financial tally to paper, has it been worth it? [my ems]


When you deal with the Devil, eventually you have to pay the price (1 ea. Human Soul) and the people of the Gulf Coast are now paying with their souls, on many levels.

By god, we should do all we can to plug the leak and clean up the mess (and put some big shots from BP in jail), but when this is over, the people of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and the others might just want shut the fuck up and let the "big government" do what it has to in order to make certain this never happens again.

I'm sick and tired of all these folks basically saying they don't want to be part of the United States until the shit hits the fan. They don't like the East and West Coast "Liberal Elite" until they're up to their necks in shit, or water, or oil, and then they're the first ones in line with their hands out. They don't want to pay taxes, but they sure as hell want the government to have the wherewithal to dig their ass out of whatever hole they're in.

Yes, I feel horrible for the fishermen, the hoteliers, and all the other folks who've had their lives turned upside down, but it's time they realize that nothing is for free. You might not have to pay for it right away, but the bill will eventually come due. The Gulf states are paying for the easy money and jobs they got when the oil leases were sold. If they don't want this to happen again, they'd better take a hard look at what they're getting before they sign on the dotted line.
Attention, Gulf Coast teabaggers! (especially you, Govs. Jindal and Barbour)
How are those lines of "we don't want anything from the Federal government" and "drill, baby, drill" and "regulations stifle businesses" and "zOMG, socialism" working out for you, now?

Florida panhandle beaches not on top ten list this year.

Gulf Coast hotels are slashing rates to try and hold onto their bookings. Where the oil is coming ashore, the tourists have disappeared.

BP, whether by accident or design, is poisoning the fisherman that have joined the cleanup efforts.

Seafood prices are going up and may go much higher.

Summer home rentals on the Florida gulf coast are down by 80% and nearly a quarter of the Gulf of Mexico is now off-limits to fishermen.

A strong hurricane in the Gulf could blow the oil ashore and well inland.

Yeah, the party of Hoover's mantras "business doesn't need regulation" and "Federal oversight of business stifles innovation" have worked out really well.
Scientists: Newly discovered Gulf oil plume is 22-miles long, six-miles wide.
Finally: Environmental activists campaigning for a halt on Arctic oil exploration welcomed President Barack Obama's decision to halt planned drilling in two regions off the coast of Alaska. Also included in the suspension were drilling projects near Virginia, along with 33 others in the Gulf of Mexico.
He was voted down 18-80: Yesterday, the Senate debated Sen. Russ Feingold's (D-WI) amendment to the war supplemental bill, which called on President Obama to provide a flexible timetable for withdrawal from Afghanistan to Congress. Arguing for the amendment on the floor, Feingold complained that he is "disppointed that" Congress is passing a bill "providing tens of billions of dollars to keep this war going with so little public debate about whether this approach makes any sense." After Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI) objected to the Feingold amendment, arguing that it sends the wrong message to the region, Feingold retorted, "The Senator suggests that somehow this sends the wrong message to the region. The real wrong message is that we intend to be there forever."
The business of America is oil
Obama fires lady who ran America's oil industry meth 'n bribery office

What's at the bottom of the Oil Hole, Mommy?

Elizabeth "Liz" Birnbaum, who has run the terrible U.S. Minerals Management Service since last summer, has been fired by mean anti-oil extremist Barack Obama. The federal office is best known for its meth-addict staff in Louisiana and its five-star customer service for the oil industry, which includes filling out all the complicated forms the energy companies need to complete so they can take all the oil from the Earth and then sell it to Americans.


Angry weather caller:


Wisco: BP, Fried Brains, and the three little pigs. 









Echoing what his boss Tony Perkins said in January, today Family Research Council spokestwat Peter Sprigg held a press conference to announce that if DADT were to be repealed, gay soldiers will go on a raping spree.

According to Sprigg, straight soldiers will be too afraid of being accused of "asking for it" to report sexual assaults. He claims that gays in the military already commit three times the number of sexual assaults as heterosexuals, a figure he arrives at by dividing the percentage of same-sex assaults recorded by the military by his (invented) percentage of gay men in the general population, 2.8%. The truth, of course, is that gay men probably constitute far more than 2.8% of the general population and an even higher percentage of the military.

RELATED: Sprigg made no mention of his organization's co-founder, Dr. George Rekers.


You've got to read the hilarious (fake) Twitter feed from BPGlobalPR. It's gold, Jerry! Gold!


According to this, emailing to bitch at your representative is a felony.


This is what the oil spill looks like from space taken by NASA's satellites, Terra and Aqua.


President Obama is speaking at the Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery on Memorial Day. Just for clarification, the Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery is a veteran's cemetery. It is a price of freedom, and occasionally less noble reasons, that our nation requires many more plots than the ones located at Arlington. If you watch Fox News or read the repugnant Erick Erickson at RedState, you would think Obama was spitting on veterans as they returned from the wars.

"Obama may talk about the government in the first person, but the men and women lying at Arlington know differently. Of course, Obama really doesn't like the military, does he."

Fox News screams;

"Trampling on Tradition?"

What tradition, specifically, the President is trampling on is either not mentioned or directly lied about. Ronald Reagan spoke at West Point on one Memorial Day, and went on one of his famous Santa Barbara ranch vacations on another. George H.W. Bush skipped the ceremony (with Dan Quayle attending in his stead), and George W. Bush missed Arlington in 2001 and 2002.

The President is doing as all Presidents should; he is honoring the sacrifice of veterans on Memorial Day by his attendance and observations at a veteran's cemetery. He has sent his Vice President to lay the traditional wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns, as Presidents Reagan, H.W. Bush, and W. Bush have done. Please note that Bill Clinton is the only one of our presidents in the last 30 years to attend every wreath-laying at Arlington.

This is another repulsive example of conservative attacks that are based on lies…period! Not distortions, or misrepresentations, or contextual distinctions; these are lies!

"Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor." Unless you disagree with his or her politics.


Morford: Thank God you don't live in Oklahoma.