This month's LDS Living Magazine was overflowing with awesome, family based activities and suggestions. What I loved best was the article, My Great Idea: Sunday Stations by Amy Ambridge.
We observe the Sabbath in our family with no movies and no Internet from after dinner Saturday night to after dinner on Sunday night. We also limit shopping to emergencies only.
My children are use to no movies and are not aloud online but sometimes, usually a few hours before dinner they start to get restless especially if they can't go outside because of bad weather.
So yesterday as the cold rain blew outside I set up some Sunday stations. We had a listening station which included spiritual themed music such as; El Nectur by Bob Culbertson, Celtic Heart by Steve Hall and Eric Rigler, Voices Across the Canyon Vol. 4, Avalon and the soundtrack to Practical Magic.
I set up a writing station with coloring pages from back issues of Blessed Bee, a chalk board and chalk, paper and crayons. Our reading station included LDS Living Magazines, the Quad, Circle Round, A Lot of Otters, Good Fairies/Bad Fairies, and other spiritual themed reading and pictures.
The kids LOVED it and are begging for stations today! LOL I may set these up for our daily home school as well. I'm thinking of a reading and writing station everyday along with a station for the theme of that day, like today is "math."
What a success! Thanks a million LDS Magazine!