So I'm on a diet. What??? You may say. Why would a healthy eating, whole foods, breastfeeding mom be on a diet and what kind of diet? So let me just say that the aim of the diet is to reset my cravings for fructose and grains (which have been throwing off my blood sugar levels) and to lose some of the post-preggo belly weight a little faster than normal. But far from limiting my food intake, I'm eating a lot of food from all the food groups.
I've come up with a diet based on the work of cardiologist Arthur Agatston and dietician Marie Almon, in combination with the theories of Dr. Weston Price and the principals behind the pre-agriculture diets also know as the hunter/gather diet. Essentially I am eating low glycemic vegetables, meats, nuts, fish, raw cheese and milk, and eggs. All organic and mostly local.
After two weeks I'll add back some fruit, in moderation, and soaked and sprouted grains in moderation but I'm hoping to give up all refined carbs all together, including potatoes and pasta. I didn't eat much pasta before but I do love potatoes.
I've been on my "diet" for about three days now and I feel good. I can already feel my middle shrinking and my blood sugar levels balancing out more. I will keep you updated and if I think the diet is a success both for health and weight loss I will post my menu.