Summer is nearly here, what will you and your family be doing? Here are some ideas...
1. Create a Family Book
This can be a group or individual project. The first thing you need is a theme. Some ideas include; your favorite scripture story or a story you want to develop a better connection with, a family story or legend, an imaginative story about the family pet(s), a story from American history or the history of the country your ancestors are from, etc.
Second you will need to chose how the book will be bound. Some ideas are a hand sewn book, scrapbook, notebook with clear plastic insert sheets, or you can have it bound at your local print shop.
Chose some paper, then a lay out. Will words be on one side and pictures on another? Will the words be under the pictures? Will you hand write it or use the computer? How about the art work? Will you draw, use cut outs from magazines, paint, sketch, use computer graphics, photographs, or some combination thereof?
Who will see it when you're done? Will you keep it just for the family? Use it as a coffee table book and conversation piece? Maybe you can self publish it so family members can have a copy using sights like Outskirt Press, LuLu, or Instant Publisher?
2. Volunteer on a Farm
No matter how urban you maybe there are always local farms within an hour or two. Be sure to give your children the gift of a hard days work and the knowledge of where their food comes from. Don't just spend one day, try to commit to a routine such as once a week or once a month at the least.
To contact a farm near you visit Pick Your Own or Local Harvest. If you can't find information there for your area find you nearest Farmer's Market and ask the farmers themselves.
3. Vote!
Elections are here, get your family involved. Pick one or two local causes you really believe in or one or two local candidates you wish to see elected and hit the streets!
In the last elections we had here in Mendocino County Nykki and I got involved in the "No on A" campaign. It was an amazing learning experience for both of us.
4. Find a Way to Support Your Local Independent Book Store!
We have a crisis going on in our country right now. Across the nation local bookstore are being run out of business. Our local store, Leaves of Grass, is shutting it's doors for good in only a few days. These stores, like other local business are the back bone of America, don't let yours fade away.
Support them with you dollars but also volunteer your time. Offer to help out around the store stocking books or helping customers. Offer to hold a bake sale to help raise advertising dollars or re-do the children's book section. Offer to host a children's story time and be sure it's advertised in the local papers!
Remind everyone you know that most local book stores can order any book you want and can have it to you in a few days.When you need a book, think of your local bookstore first!
5. Hold a Messy Day
At least a few times this summer get messy! Make a mud hole, fill the kiddie pool with Jell-o, make and use body paints (here's a good, natural recipe), hold an outside food fight with things like mashed potatoes, baked yams or creamed corn or turn the kiddie pool into a bubble bath and add some natural food coloring.
Have a hose handy, spray off and you're good to go!