You see them everywhere. Bumper sticker, T-shirts, pins, sometimes even signs - women declaring they are "b*tches." You've heard it on TV, "Oh, girl you're such a bitch." Followed by laughter and a high-five. As a world community, as Americans, as women, we should be outraged. When did it become OK to be a b*tch?
Maybe I'm off here but to me "b*tch" is used to suggest a woman is ruthless, selfish, loud, pushy, and willing to step on people to get her selfish way. When did that become a badge of honor? When it did it become OK to treat our fellow sisters and brothers as though they were "out to get us" and we "out b*tched" them first?
I have heard "b*tch" used to describe a woman who knows her limits is will help others but not to her own defeat or detriment. Women in our society get pushed around a lot, especially in the work place and being in touch with one's "inner b*tch" in that respect can have some use, however that power, better termed "inner strength" should be a quiet and strong force.
It should be our inner womanly tree, bending in the storm yet remaining firmly rooted in the Earth. Within the realm of the home, within our communities, with our children, neighbors and especially our partners we should not be proudly declaring ourselves "b*tches." Not only does it degrade our own self worth but who wants to be with someone who professes to be so unapologetically selfish and self centered?
What's more is I think that declaring one's self to be a "b*tch" or any other negative word missconstrued to mean "strong" allows one to to act as such and feel there are no consequences to their actions, or that there shouldn't be consquences or complaints because they have proudly warned the world via T-shirt, bumper sticker or self declaration that they are a "b*tch."
I think as people we should be humbling ourselves before our brothers and sisters and walking that fine line between being caring and being "walked on." We will all cross that line, we'll all get walked on either purposely or accidentally but the solution isn't to write off the whole of humanity and profess ourselves to proudly be "b*tches."
No, we humble ourselves, we realize our mistakes and other peoples faults, we turn our face toward our loving Heavenly Mother (or your idea of God) and ask for strength and direction and invite your sisters to do the same.