As some of you know, late winter and early spring this year my family was slammed with three rounds of strep throat. We went to the doctor each time and were placed on heavy duty antibiotics. The antibiotics worked about 95% but the lingering 5% of the strep would just regroup and strike again in a few weeks. It was NASTY and hurt somethin' awful.
After I completed the third round of antibiotics I could still fell the strep hiding out in the very back of my throat and in my ears. It was regrouping and fast! I thought about going back to the doctor but my stomach was in such distress after three rounds of antibiotics. I couldn't stand the thought of something tougher in my system.
I had tried natural remedies the first two times I was sick and they hadn't made a dent. I was worried about trying another natural route but worried about the conventional route as well. I decided that if I was going to lick this puppy it was most venerable right after my last treatment of antibiotics.
After I competed my meds I began to take huge daily doses of garlic (three times a day with meals) along with probiotics, zinc, coliodal silver, Vit. D and Vit. C. I was preventing it from regrouping but I could still fell it there. Anytime I missed a garlic dose it would start getting stronger.
Seth could feel his regrouping as well but after working on the land, in the sunshine, his went away on it's own. So I began spending a minimum of two hours everyday in the sun and I switched from the coliodal silver drops to a spray I sprayed directly in the back of my throat. I also started spraying very diluted amounts of oregano and olive leaf in the back of my throat several times per day.
It seems to have disappeared finally! I haven't treated it in weeks now and I have felt no regrouping! No symptoms! Thought I would share! This trick only worked when the virus was already down but we had a a very rough strain. This combo might work if you catch a regular step early enough or if you feel yours regrouping after meds.
Here's wishing health to you and yours always!