I just stumbled upon this story. Apparently the actor Dennis Quaid and wife Kimberly recently had twin sons born in the hospital. The boys contracted a nasty hospital infection which required antibiotics and then, so that the antibiotics wouldn't cause blood clots, the small babes were given heparin, however they were accidentally given 100 times the safe does and nearly died.
The article I linked to asks the question, "How can the public hear such a story and still support laws capping damages at levels that undermine the injured patients' access to the justice system?"
Fair enough, I don't believe medical trail lawyers are the evil cretons they're made out to be by the media. I think people deserve compensation when gravely injured. However I would instead ask the question; how can the public hear such a story and still support routine hospital births?
Most mamas reading this are nodding their heads.
And that's what bugs me about the progressive movement is that, in my opinion, they ask the wrong questions.
Take universal heath care for example, which I support by the way, but it does my family, and families like ours zero good. We wont get insurance, universal or not, to cover our naturopath bills, our herbal and homeopathic costs, breastfeeding or homebirth support or natural dentistry. It would only cover us in the event of an emergency.
What good is it truly doing people to have universal health care when they rush off to a western medical "professional" for every sniffle? These same "professionals" who poison their babies and medically rape their bodies. All it does is keep billions of dollars square in the hands of the doctors who are causing most of the problems, whether that's giving antibiotics too often, icing swelling, casting small breaks, recommending horrible diets, or handing out anti-depressants like candy.
We shouldn't be demanding that everyone have access to a broken system, we need a new system.
That's my rant for the day :)