Thursday, July 8, 2010

Your Wish Come True!

If you could have one wish, what would it be? That's a common "what if-er." Most people respond with answers such as, a million dollars, a new car, a mansion, etc. but what if you wished for what you have? I bet you did at some point probably years ago. I remember being in 8th grade home economics and I just couldn't wait to be a mommy. I prayed every Christmas for someone to leave a baby at my parents doorstep - I just couldn't stand it!

I bet what you have right now was once a far away wish. I wish I had someone to love, I wish I could get married, I wish I had a baby, I wish I had a grown-up job, I wish I had my own place, I wish I could buy X without having to ask permission....the list goes on and on.

Guess what, wish come true! (At least some of them anyway) Why make a new list of demands? That's like a child opening all her presents on Christmas, looking toward her parents and asking for more. Are you looking toward your Heavenly Parents today and asking for more as you sit among all the gifts they've given you? Or are you treating the gifts they have given you with apathy, loathing or disinterest?

That sink full of dishes? The gift of good food. That load of laundry? The gift of warm clothes. That long, hard job? The gift of independence.

What gifts are you celebrating today? What wishes have come true?