Monday, July 26, 2010

Completing Him Challenge,Week 7!

Here's this weeks challenge from Courtney...

It's week #7 in our Summer Completing Him Challenge! Here's this week's challenge: Support his vision. Discuss his vision for your family. Where does he see your family in 1 year, 5 years, and 10 years. Share with us how you let your husband lead.

Ephesians 5:23 "For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church.

In one year we should be searching for the right property to buy and Seth should be heading back to school or training to change careers (orchard installation has been too hard on his body). In five years we should own our own land, have a producing garden and have built our own eco-home. In ten years our plan is to have residual income from a wind tower investment or solar power project and perhaps a working CSA.

It's always been fairly easy to let my husband led our direction because we both want similar things; our own land, self sustaining garden and eco-built home.

That having been said I still let him decide how we will get there. He works hard for not a lot of money. Sometimes he wants to reinvest in a bigger work project, hoping for a bigger payout and I want to invest in our savings account. He always asks my opinion but I make sure my opinion is supportive of what I can tell he wants. So far following his leadership has paid off more then I could have imagined!

Last year he turned everything around and got us out of debt and was able to get us a new family car and got himself a promotion! This coming year we should have the next bundle of cash to invest in land. *fingers crossed*

I make sure to honor his leadership in all areas too and I always ask his opinion on our home school direction as well as which church the children and I should attend. He is always kind and thoughtful in his approach. He has never demanded, forced, expected or pressured me into any idea or goal. He has a wonderful ability to meet the needs of everyone in the household. He is like a Zen master - quietly guiding us through life.

I am such a lucky lady!

Live by the Faith,
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