Monday, July 19, 2010

All the Trees of the Field shall clap their Hands!

"You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands." Isaiah 55:12

Trees Clapping II 12x12 oil

Trees Clapping I oil 12x16

Ok... so at about 5:15 this morning I opened one eye and saw such a beautiful misty morning I couldn't believe it! I rarely bolt out of bed but that is what I did indeed! The field across the street from my house was sure to be incredible as the sun came up and burned through the fog. I dressed quickly against the mosquitoes that I was sure would be breakfast hungry... grabbed my cart and raced across the street. The bottom picture is what it looked like when I first got there. The 3rd from the top what it looked like about 45 minutes later...what an incredible change! It was still so beautiful I decided to try for one more before full out sun. I dashed back to the house for my needed umbrella...set it up and worked on the second one...very different light! I am writing this at about 8:15 after I have made coffee , downloaded the photos and lit up the computer so you get some idea of how fast these went. I am content!