Friday, July 16, 2010

Headlines - Friday July 16

Gone until the 25th. Talk amongst yourselves ....
Oil leak plugged! Keep using all the fossil fuel you want!

The apocalypse BEGINS

BP's futuristic space-age technobox dingus has gone nearly two whole days without leaking, or exploding, or going crazy and bursting off its mooring and burrowing further into the sea floor and opening up yet another leaky hole in the Earth's crust, which probably means that this whole thing has been solved and you can stop caring. Huzzah! Just in time for Wonkette to launch its daily oil disaster roundup, too. Everything is fixed again, isn't that right? Let's confirm with a reaction from out-of-work Louisiana crabber Jeff Ussury: "It's like putting a Band-Aid on a dead man in my opinion." That's … that's not really a productive attitude to take, sir. MORE »

"When you take a government and you impose, and take away all your choices. One of the choices you take away is to find the Lord. And to find your savior. And that's one of the things that's most destructive about the growth of government. It's this taking away of that freedom. The freedom -- the ultimate freedom, to find your salvation, to get your salvation. And to find Christ, for me and you. And I think that's one of the things that we have to be very, very aware of. That the Obama Administration and Congressman Carnahan are doing to us." -- Show Me state handjob Ed Martin, pretending Obama is taking religion away from you   Link
"Ed Martin, please stop lying about the Democrats."-- Jesus    
"They should have been indicted. They absolutely should have been indicted for torturing, for spying, 
for arresting without warrants. I'd like to say they should be indicted for lying but believe it or not, 
unless you're under oath, lying is not a crime. At least not an indictable crime. It's a moral crime."
-- FOX News analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano, saying Dubya and Cheney should have been indicted for war crimes, 
"We are here to look forward and forget the past." - Obama
On the very day the Senate passed Wall Street reform and created a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Treasury Sec. Tim Geithner is urging President Obama NOT to appoint the most credible person as its leader: Elizabeth Warren.
I like her even better now.
Calling teabaggers racist offends rightwing PC
The Tea Party is angry. They're angry about taxes -- at a time when their taxes where almost certainly reduced. They're angry about government spending -- after being silent about an eight-year government spending spree. They're angry about intrusive, big government -- while supporting candidates who advocate torture, warrantless wiretapping, government regulation the sort of sex you're allowed to have, and keeping women pregnant against their will. Hypocrisy seems to be a hallmark of the teabaggers, along with runaway ignorance and a new -- and disturbing -- sort of political correctness. 
But one thing the Tea Party is most definitely not is racist. Pointing out racists among the teabaggers is mostly definitely verboten by their new PC. And, since the teabaggers are just an extension of the Republican Party's base, it is likewise most un-PC to accuse the party of racism. And now the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is being most un-PC.
Imagine what they'd say if Obama WERE a liberal
In the nearly two years since Barack Obama took office, we've seen a nonstop litany of wingnuts whipping their minions into a frenzy about a socialist far-left agenda.

Here we have a President who has not closed Guantanamo Bay, who has expanded the war in Afghanistan, who didn't fight for even a public health care option, let along single-payer, who dickers with DADT in the hope that he can get outta Dodge before he has to deal with his own "icky feelings" about Teh Gays, and who seems willing to gut Social Security and Medicare in the hope that it will make Republicans play nice. Oh, and he's also been called a secret Muslim terrorist who's an enemy to Israel, which probably explains what is likely to be his next "Nixon goes to China" moment:
Gorilla warfare
Taliban monkey to make Afghannistan war fun again

Dude's been distraught ever since Michael Jackson's estate set him free.

Remember when America's invasion of Afghanistan was our Fun War? We were all like, "Well, usually I am not digging on war too much, plus I am a Democrat or whatever and still crying about Bush v. Gore, but those Talibans did do 9/11 maybe, or Saudi Arabia we guess, not really sure at all, but whatever they got the Taliban over there and we're gonna liberate their wimmins!" And then the next ten years happened … SORRY, we mean, "and then a decade later this Barack Obama character started a war in Afghanistan for no reason." Anyway, now some Chinese news website is reporting that the Taliban have these gun monkeys. MORE »


Political pictures - Our Long National Nightmare Is Finally Over


One day ...

Maybe a few centuries from now, archaeologists from another world will stumble across a planet, 3rd out from its sun, that is nothing more than a charred, lifeless piece of rock and wonder how such an advanced society could manage to incinerate itself so easily.


The combined global land and ocean surface temperature data also found the January-June and April-June periods were the warmest on record, according to NOAA's National Climatic Data Center, which based its findings on measurements that go back as far as 1880.

In June, the combined average for global land and ocean temperatures was 61.1 degrees Fahrenheit
(16.2 Celsius) -- 1.22 degrees Fahrenheit (0.68 Celsius) more than the 20th century average of 59.9 degrees Fahrenheit (15.5 Celsius).

Temperatures warmer than average spread throughout the globe in recent months, most prominently in Peru, in the central and eastern United States and in eastern and western Asia, according to NOAA.

We have to stop burning shit to produce energy, soon.
Goldman to pay half billion dollar fine

As they say "Fuck you America" and keep the other 60 billion or so they made the last two years. 


Evidence of absence.


The real question is why the Democrats refuse to point this out:


Congressional Republicans want to give Wall Street another chance to wreck the global economy

That is the position of most Senate Republicans, who want to let the banksters operate in a rules-free environment.

Because, you know, it worked so well in 2008 and in 1929 when the banks and Wall Street were allowed to do whatever the frak they felt like!
The Vatican issued revisions to its internal laws on Thursday making it easier to discipline sex-abuser priests, but caused confusion by also stating that ordaining women as priests was as grave an offense as pedophilia.

"Misogynistic" doesn't even come close to it. This is women-hating at a level that even Calvin didn't reach.

Why that church doesn't die out as fast as
the Shakers have is a mystery.  


Illegal immigrants in Utah feeling terrorized and very scared.

Meanwhile, GOP reps cite bible to support harsh crackdowns against illegal immigrants.


McDonald's Accidentally Puts Condoms In Happy Meals

5,000 Happy Meals were distributed with colored condoms instead of a plastic toy from the movie The Last Airbender.

The condoms were intended for the Provincetown, Mass. school system, which recently established a policy making them available for students of all ages; they were delivered to McDonald's distribution center in Barnstable, Mass. in error.

"The packages were so bright and colorful that they were mistaken for small toys for Happy Meals, but unfortunately most of the workers do not read English, and thought 'Ribbed Latex' was a character in the movie," said Robin Anderson, vice president of public relations for the chain, as published by El Universal of Mexico.

The mistake led to an incident in a Brewster, Mass., McDonald's, where more than a dozen 8-year-olds attending a birthday party all opened their condoms at once, and immediately blew them into balloons and started batting them around the restaurant.

The McDonald's incident also caused problems in Provincetown, where the schools accidentally received the restaurant's shipments of Last Airbender toys, and several were released to students who went into their school's nurse's office seeking condoms.

via Opposing Views


June sets Army suicides record - More US troops killed themselves last month than in recent Army history.


Americans really don't miss the Disaster Monkey


In recent months, not only have conservatives continued to ramp up their anti-Obama rhetoric, but they have also begun invoking nostalgia for the good ol' days of President Bush. In April, College Republicans at Western Kentucky University created a "W" Day to show support for Bush, and there have been billboards with the question "Miss Me Yet?" and a picture of Bush popping up around the country.

Last month, Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK) hit Obama for his handling of the BP oil disaster, saying, "Remember the criticism George Bush got during Katrina? They said it was a lack of leadership. Let me tell you, that leadership looks pretty good right now." More recently, Jeff Shapiro — a man devoted to "correct the historical record about President Bush" — wrote an op-ed claiming that "a lot has changed since" last year, when he was being labeled a "failure."

In reality, not much has changed; the American public still doesn't really miss Bush. From a new Time poll:

71 percent blame the Bush for the "balky economy," while 27 percent blame Obama.

53 percent favor Obama over Bush (33 percent).

55 percent favor Obama over Sarah Palin (34 percent) in a hypothetical 2012 presidential campaign.

The Siena Research Institute also just released a poll of presidential scholars, who rated Bush in the "bottom five" of U.S. presidents throughout history. They rated him 39th. Other presidents in the bottom five were Andrew Johnson, James Buchanan, Warren G. Harding, and Franklin Pierce. Obama was ranked 15th.


Greg Mitchell: Secrecy, Cover-ups & Deadly Radiation: On the Birth of the Nuclear Age 65 Years Ago.