Monday, July 5, 2010

Admire Him

I've been given another marriage assignment from Women Living Well in the summer "Completing Him Challenge"

"This weeks Marriage challenge is: "Admire Your Husband. If you are a blogger write a post all about your husband and what you admire in him and then show it to him! He will smile!"

This one is easy since I recently read Fascinating Womanhood by Helen Adelin, I've been practicing this one and I have to tell you my husband has been beaming and my esteem for him has grown and grown!

So here's the list of what I admire about Seth...

1. His brain. I gotta start there. The dudes SMART. He's a chess pro, a math wizz and I get all tingly when he can fix my computer in like two seconds flat! He can discuss current politics with wit and creativity and he's got an imagination that makes me feel like a fairy princess to be part of his world!

2. His body. I'm so lucky because I have a man with a nerd brain but the body of a Calvin Klein underwear model! Seriously. Broad shoulders *swoon* firm pecks *double swoon* and buffed strong arms without all that blueish sticking-out body builder crap *triple swoon*

3. His fathering abilities. He's a great Dad who guides, teaches and disciplines his children with love and attention.

4. His hard work ethic. He swears he doesn't have one. He swears he's lazy just because he likes to unwind with video games but let me tell you what he's unwinding from, 10-12 hour work days 6-7 days per week! Far from lazy he BUSTS HIS BUTT so that I can live my dream and divine calling of staying at home with the beautiful children he has given me! Seriously, it is HARD these days to find a man willing to work. I am so thankful.

5. His attentiveness. Many men aren't very attentive, it just doesn't come naturally but he must ask me 10 times a day how I'm doing, if I'm happy and if he can do anything to help me.

6. His forgiveness. I have made A LOT of mistakes with Seth. I've drug him down lifestyle paths that nearly ended our relationship because I fell victim to a lot of alternative BS. He not only stayed with me when times got tough but he doesn't hold it against me in the least.

7. His financial magic. I don't know how he does it! He somehow always meets our needs through cunning bill management the likes of which would make my head explode!

8. His green thumb. The end of the world? It's cool, I'm covered. Seth can grow ANYTHING with nothing. He's a genius!

9. When the lights go out...uh, hem...yes well. It's nice ;) Very, very, very nice!

Now go forth and create your own list!