Ah yes, politics.
But not politics in the traditional sense but more a meandering stream of ponderings born out of yesterday's Kucinich townhall meeting. Many "whys" made Photion's ears twitch and my lips press together in mutterings.
We arrived at the Mendocino college gym after a fourty minute drive south of our wooded home. We knew by that time that Dennis had been called back to a special session on the Impeachment Hearings (which are going to happen thank Goddess) however the sudden death of Dennis' brother meant that his wife Elizabeth, who was slated to speak in his place was a last minute cancellation as well. So why go? Because I wanted to be with other Kuchinichers. I wanted to see who in my community was supportive enough of his causes of peace and love to get out of their warm house on a freezing cold night and drag their butts to a college gym.
I also went for my childen. I want to teach them that what they do and what they support matters and beig children doesn't exclude them from the proces of change that is so needed to heal our planet - infact they are more responsible for change than any of us and to raise light workers, in my opinion, is to raise politically savvy kids who support the causes of peace and love politically as well as in their eveyday lives. I might not agree with our form of governement but it's what we have to work with and I think instead of boycotting the system, as many of my natural living peers do, we must back those like Dennis Kucinich, Mike Gravel and Cynthia Mckinney, who will champion our causes before this broken system.
To me, sitting back and just letting other people decide our nations course and laws is not an option. My boys need to know that.
We arrived at the gym after running quickly through the cold parking lot. Our heavy coats and sweaters couldn't keep out the night's sharp chill that seemed to come from the icy, bright white stars above. I was pleasantly surprised to find well over a hundred people at the gym. Tables with stickers, button, bumperstickers and even vegan food greeted us. Volunteers with dreadlocks, wearing bright, dark blue, Kucinich T-shirts handed out donation envelopes .
We filed up to the bleachers and I looked around. There was one family we knew, they had brought their kids. I knew two ladies form Code Pink who were there but other than that I didn't know anyone there nor where there any other children. I was desperate to find that natural livin' family with homeschooled babes who would take them to a Dennis town hall meeting, I longed to sit beside them and burst with smiles but there was no such family. Other than the one family we knew (and they're the rich, liberal elite types, not the natural livin' types) we were the only family.
Nykki wanted a button of Dennis, he loves Dennis. "Dennich Kucinich" is how he says his name and he can be heard singing Dennich Kucinich songs he makes up while playing with toys. In his black and white child world-of-wonder George Bush is the bad guy and Dennis is our hero come to save to day.
The organizers played a taped interview with Dennis and then 25 people were able to go up to the potium and ask questions to a video recorder. Dennis will view the questions, respond and send us back his either taped or written responses to our issues. I thought about getting up and asking a questions but my energy just didn't seem right and I was fond of the issues that other peole were raising. Nykki wanted to ask a question but was currently obsessed with trying to wrap his mind around the concept of Dennis' brother being dead and he wanted to ask things like, "How did your brother die?", and "What did you do with the body?" So I opted not to take him up to the potium.
After it was all said and done we went home and I must say I wasn't much inspired. I guess I was still dissapointed that not only could Dennis and Elizabeth not make it but I didn't meet any cool new people while I was there.
So while we're on the subject of politics, the Goddess, Cythia McKinney has thrown her hat into the ring on the green party ticket - and when voting day comes I will most likely be voting for her. As I see it, Dennis will eventually drop out (a little dash of cold reality to splash on our faces) and we'll be left with some sort of Hilary/Obama, Guliani/McCain Frankenstien's monster to choose from and that's when Cynthia will still be on the ballot because she's running under the green party - so when just my Daemon, Photion, and I are in the voting booth it's most likely looking to be Cynthia who will get our vote.
Here's some .::Mother, Lover, Goddess::. Cynthia McKinney flash back for ya:
From April 4th, 2006
On March 31st a nationally syndicated radio program host, Neal Boortz said that Rep. Cynthia McKinney, a democrat from Georigia, "looks like a ghetto slut." The comment was made during a discussion of the new hair style worn by the African American Congress woman. He went on the say that her hair looked like "an explosion at a Brillo pad factory," like "Tina Turner peeing on an electric fence," and like "a shih tzu."
Well I'll be, perhaps, the first to say that Boortz looks like someone put yogurt in a garbage bag. That dude is in no position to cast judgment on another's appearance! He looks like he is in need of less animal fleash, more fresh fruits and veggies, some sunshine, a brisk walk everyday, and a lesson in kindness and diversity. Oh, yeah, and someone school his ass that his mother's, mother's, mother's (etc. a few thousand times) mother looked just like McKinney and that an image just like her was the first worshiped diety on earth!
And McKinney looks like a Goddess.
and from October 3rd, 2007 in a post regarding Hilary Clinton I wrote;
She's [Hilary] cold, and she's heartless and I don't care if she is a woman. I wish a better woman was running, like Cynthia McKinney - but since there isn't you know who has my vote.
Well, Cynthia is running now - praise Heavenly Mother, we have a choice! Photion and I just did a little jigg.