"This work is written for anyone interested in the Goddess, Christo-Pagan traditions, the Mormons, the Amish, American history, home birth and natural parenting." - Ayla
Two distinct American communities kept homebirth alive throughout the 20th century while nearly all other women were coerced and/or enticed into birthing in hospitals. These two communities, the Old Order German Communities (Amish, Anabaptist) and the Mormons, are often times confused with each other by outsiders. They are known for their conservative Christian cultures and religious practices, however women within these two cultures were empowered enough to keep the birth of their children within the home and/or birthing centers.
Mormons have an almost hidden history of the divine feminine and magical practices which new scholarship has brought to light. The Old Order German Communities of Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania Dutch) are comprised of the offspring of refugees of Rhineland immigrants fleeing persecution on charges of witchcraft. Here I explore those two facets of these cultures – home birth and celestial feminine/magickal practices.
"Women who have a connection with the feminine aspect of the divine whether through their deities, their earth, or their cultural traditions, I believe, are able to make more empowered choices when it comes to their births. " - Ayla
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