The life-long Labour supporter branded a 'bigot' by Gordon Brown has said she was more offended at being called 'that woman'.
At the time Gordon Brown's comments were broadcast across the world, Cranmer was wondering why the media had not picked up on this manifest sexist phrase.
The Prime MInister said: "That was a disaster - they should never have put me with that woman. Whose idea was that? It's Sue I think. It's just ridiculous," he told Justin Forsyth. Asked what she had said, Mr Brown added: "Everything, she was just a bigoted woman."
Mrs Duffy was not simply a 'bigot'; she was 'that woman', and one sensed in his contempt the sort of sexism which has been experienced by many female members of his Cabinet who believe he appointed women as 'window dressing'.
In an interview with The Mail on Sunday, Gillian Duffy has revealed she would not now be voting for any party, despite us being told by Gordon Brown that she had accepted his apology.
The grandmother also says she rejected his invitation to shake hands in front of the cameras.
This is not forgiveness: it is evidence of hurt, resentment and anger.
And Mrs Duffy has every right to withhold her vote and tell the world of Gordon Brown's sexism. She says: "It wasn't the bigot, it was that he said 'that woman'. I thought 'what does he mean, 'that woman'?'... It's not nice, it's not nice at all."
Mrs Duffy said she was 'shocked' by the episode and felt more sorrow than anger.
But it appears that Caroline Flint was right: Gordon Brown is not only a misogamist; he is a misogynist. He is prejudiced, exclusive and inflexible. There is no room for him in Labour's future, and the party's imminent civil war will confirm so.