"It is written in the stars, child, that only a king who comes of two royalties, one royalty of the Tribes who follow the Goddess, and one royalty of those who look to Rome, will heal our land of all this strife." (Mistress of Magic, Chapter 2, p. 6)
We are enjoying our own "Mists of Avalon" here this week at our home. It seems appropriate for Holy Week - very magickal. It reminds me of last Hallowmas when we awoke to thick mist all around our hill top, wooded home. Nykki was so excited! "It's the veil between the worlds!" he declared, "Look Ronan, it's our ancestors!"
I'm feeling inspired as we get up, eat some warm oatmeal, and get ready for Good Friday services at church today.
I'm thinking of Inanna's Descent as we all undertake this transition period between the death (winter) and rebirth/resurrection (spring).
Three days from death until resurrection.
Three centimeters from transition to pushing (labor).
The Trinity
the Triple Goddess - third times a charm -me, myself and I.