Friday, April 2, 2010

Headlines - Friday April 2

These kids are alright.
"Well, earlier today, President Obama canceled the annual White House Easter Egg Hunt. Instead, the kids are going to be on the lawn of the White House drilling for oil.- Jay Leno
Happy Good Friday, Pope has diplomatic immunity

New Zealand supports whaling compromise.


The opposite of freedom!


The Republicans can plead their innocence and blame the Dems all they want, but their leaders know what's going on and are encouraging it:
HANNITY: "When you think about the vast majorities that they have in Congress and they had to bribe, backroom deals, corruption, that's all because the tea party movement, the people — all these Tim McVeigh wannabes here."
American Terrorism is the new black (in the fashion sense) for the Republicans. What do they call it? Sedition? I believe they have laws against that but I'm not holding out any hope Hannity will get his richly deserved federal fucking.

In case you've forgotten:
Timothy McVeigh
Update: Maybe I was wrong. Those fun-loving guys at the IRS are about to crawl up Scumbag Sean's ass.
Too poor to be bankrupt

Bankruptcy can clear away most debts. Yet sweeping changes to federal law in 2005 — pushed by the banking lobby — complicated that process and more than doubled the average cost of filing, to more than $2,000. Many low-income debtors must save for months before they can afford to go broke.

In some states, courts allow creditors to charge high interest rates for years after a lawsuit is decided in their favor. In others, creditors can win lawsuits by default and seize wages and bank accounts without a case ever appearing before a judge.

Read the whole piece.


Our creeping police state

The town of Tiburon, California is placing license plate cameras on the roads into the town to monitor every vehicle entering or leaving the town. The cops claim that they will only keep the data for 30 days.
This, by the way, is the leading company who sells those fucking things. The uses of those cameras are going to mushroom. Companies will put them in their employee parking lots. Shopping centers will put them at their entrances and exits. More and more municipalities and and states will put them alongside roads. Elsag is pushing them as Big-Brother cams, though they don't exactly call them that.

We could stop it, of course. But we won't, for the people who now say that they are so concerned about freedom and liberty are only worried about "socialized medicine". They've never been worried before about increased police surveillance and they aren't about to start now.

The gift that keeps on giving ...
That would be the Republican National Committee, Michael Steele, Chairman:
The Republican National Committee inadvertently sent a fundraising mail piece earlier this month with a return number that leads to a phone sex line offering to connect callers with "hot horny girls … students, housewives, and working girls from all over the country."

In their zeal to spread anything their slack-jawed audience will gobble up, several right-wing "news" sources — including Fox News, Gateway Pundit, Ace of Spades and others — today jumped all over an report that "Famed global warming activist James Schneider and a journalist friend were both found frozen to death"...

Just one little problem. No one bothered to fact-check the story before re-publishing it.

Keep up the good work, guys... you'll win that
Peabody yet.. maybe even before Malkin does!
Matt Taibbi: Looting Main Street
How the nation's biggest banks are ripping off American cities with the same predatory deals that brought down Greece
GOP congressman calls out conservatives pushing 'blatant misinformation' about the census.
Senator Bennett says greenhouse gas emissions have nothing whatsoever to do with clean air.
America's intellectuals: Georgian Congressman Worried Island of Guam Might 'Tip Over'

Its like they have a different word for everything!

Lots of pics
here. The best part? It's not an April Fools joke. Thanks for keeping us infromed!


"Short of sending Sarah Palin back to Alaska to personally club polar bear cubs to death, Obama could not have come up with a more efficient extinction plan for the polar bear." Brendan Cummings, of the Center for Biological Diversity  Link


"This is not a decision that I've made lightly." Obama, on the drilling back-stab Link 

Barack, if you said that to make us feel better it didn't work.


"I haven't given up on Republicans. I do believe that there are Republicans of good conscience who want to work together on issues, we want to continue to do that...our view is to keep plugging away and ultimately I believe more and more Republicans are going to come to the conclusion that, that it is better politics to work on our problems than it is to work on the reelection process every single day."  David Axelrod Link 

Is Axelrod the reason Obama keeps trying to make friends with the dogs that bite?

How can Axelrod possibly think there are "Republicans of good conscience who want to work together on issues" when the bastards vote against their own bills to deny Obama a single Republican vote?

 The sons of bitches vote against their own interests so they can go back home and say,  "Obama did this on his own - without our input. He's ruining America and Armageddon is just 24 hours away"

Obama thinks he can reason with these people?


A conservative fundraising plan I can get behind

Guess what? The Republican National Committee's recent bondage-themed strip club scandal has the religious right up in arms. Who would've guessed? For the bluenoses, it seems the whole thing is a double-whammy; you've got an expenditure that borders on embezzlement and you've got boobs, lesbianism, whips, and chains.

Yeah, I guess it's not so surprising after all.

For their part, the party's fighting back. Unfortunately, they're doing it poorly. Andy Barr reports on an email that the RNC sent to Politico (and, you've got to assume, other news organizations) that points the finger at Democrats:

Two elderly male otters died within an hour of each other at a New Zealand zoo yesterday. Handlers say that the second one probably died of heartbreak after watching his mate pass away.







"I've hinted at this before, but now I am saying it -- don't give money to the RNC. If you want to put money into the political process, and I encourage you to do so, give directly to candidates who you know reflect your values. Better yet, become a member of FRC Action and learn about the benefits it offers, including participating in the FRC Action PAC which can support candidates who will advance faith, family and freedom." - Family Research Council head Tony Perkins, calling the religious right to cease funding the GOP because of their love for titty bars and fake lesbians in bondage. Whee!


Scenes From Teabaggery

Andrew Breitbart, Victoria Jackson, Glenn Back, Sarah Palin and other escaped mental patients gathered over the weekend to call for the destruction of the country they love so very much.
When stupid is a good thing (for the other side)

Here's an example of how Republicans only hurt themselves by allowing the loonies in the party to speak their garbage unchallenged by wiser voices.

Prominent right-wing voices decided last year that the U.S. census was not to be trusted. Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) said the process could lead to "internment camps." Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) called the census "invasive." Fox News' Glenn Beck's suggested Americans may not be comfortable with "ACORN members" collecting information. Radio host Neal Boortz said some census information is "designed to help the government steal from you in order to pass off your property to the moochers."

Not too smart because

Texas is counting on the 2010 Census to deliver four new congressional districts, four new Electoral College votes in presidential elections, and millions of dollars in additional federal aid. But, as some elected officials are starting to worry, Uncle Sam can't deliver anything to the rapidly growing Sun Belt state unless Texas residents deliver their forms back to the government.

As of Friday afternoon, only 27 percent of Texas households had filled in and returned their census forms — well below the national average of 34 percent — according to computer data from the U.S. Census Bureau. In Harris County, the response rate is 23 percent. Houston's returns are running at 21 percent.

Contrary to historical trends, some of the toughest challenges facing the agency responsible for measuring the nation's population are not from counting the traditionally undercounted groups such as African-Americans and Latinos. Instead, a new and growing threat to an accurate national head count is coming from anti-government conservatives who may not fill out their forms to protest against "Big Brother" in Washington.


the more Republican the area, the lower the return rate. In Briscoe County in the Panhandle, McCain/Palin won nearly 75% of the vote — and 8% of locals are sending in their census materials. In King County, near Lubbock, McCain/Palin won nearly 93% of the vote — and only 5% of locals are answering the census.

Nice.  While these folks foolishly fight "Big Brother" over the census, Democrats are, for the most part, filling out their forms and getting counted.

More power to the Michele Bachmanns of the party!