I'm currently reading "The Spiritual Task of the Homemaker" by Manfred Schmidt-Brabant. My friend lent it to me as preparation for our annual trip to the Waldorf in the Home Conference in Sacramento, coming up on April 24th and 25th.
I just read the first chapter and I'm intrigued, I will certainly read on. I'm little off put by the idea that it is a man who wrote it, and not one who considers himself a homemaker - at least not in his bio. Should that be off putting?
The book is deeply rooted in Rudolph Steiner's philosophies which I adore although I don't always subscribe to them 100% but probably 90% at least. This quote grabbed me; "In recent years the role of homemaking has been derided and diminished..." I would agree to that of course but I love how in the first chapter he explains that homemaking was once, and still is, crucial to our collective identities and cultures.
I never thought of homemaking as a cultural supporter before but it really is. It is the homemaker who sustains traditions and routines of their culture. The homemaker is responsible for the educational environment of the children. What the homemaker chooses to do puts a mark on her society for a generation to come!
It makes me think about my marks. What am I weaving into my homemaking? What traditions do I want my children to regard? Can or should those be traditions I myself may not agree with but are part of my culture? How much am I "I", my ego? And how much should "I" play into my role as homemaker and how much should my collective conscience play a role?
All very good questions...I love a book that makes me think!