When I was 17 I spent some time in France. Mostly in Paris but also down in Nice and a few other spots along the coast. In Paris they have street-side crepes vendors for tourists. They sorta look like hot dog carts but they make fresh crepes for you while you watch, from scratch.
Silly and touristy though it was - I loved it! I felt so worldly, so grown up - buying food with my own Francs off the Paris street corner.
French men are notorious flirts especially with young tourist women. So it's no surprise that a gentleman working the stand took the time to show little ol' me how to make a crepe - authentic, tourist, Paris style.
Hence my recipe Tofu or Salmon Crepes...
3/4 cup flour
3 eggs
pinch of salt
1 cup milk
Mix all ingredients in a bowl, well. Using a large soup ladle spoon fill it about 3/4 full with the batter. Pour onto a medium hot skittle. Count to 5, feel free to do so in French, then using the underside of the ladle begin pushing the batter outward in a spiral until it is as thin as you can spread it. If you make a hole don't worry just dab some batter on it and keep spreading. Cook until it's flippable, flip cook until it's barely golden. Make about 9-10, set aside in a warm place.
Tofu or Salmon
Take 1/2 pound firm tofu or canned salmon. Crumble in a bowl using your fingers or a fork. Add 1/4 cup nutritional yeast flakes and a pinch of salt. Toss together. In a skillet sautee your favorite veggie(s) with lemon and butter to taste, (I like asparagus) on medium heat for until veggies are tender.
Add Tofu or Salmon mix, stir over heat for about 2 minutes. Spoon veggie and salmon or tofu mix into crepes, roll up. Top with a spoon full of melted butter and a dash of sour cream.