Alan Grayson has introduced a four-page bill that would allow all Americans under the age of 65 to purchase Medicare for a fee. You can sign the petition here - and please pass it on.
These raping priests won't stop until somebody stops them but everybody's too afraid to mess with the raping Catholics.
This just in....
The official Vatican Exorcist (yes, there actually is one, and he looks nothing like Max von Sydow) uses the Flip Wilson excuse and says, "The Devil made them do it."
Keep giving your money, people, and we'll keep letting them keep it tax free!
Link Excerpt:
Interrogators were instructed to start pouring water right after a detainee exhaled, to ensure he inhaled water, not air, in his next breath. They could use their hands to "dam the runoff" and prevent water from spilling out of a detainee's mouth. They were allowed six separate 40-second "applications" of liquid in each two-hour session – and could dump water over a detainee's nose and mouth for a total of 12 minutes a day. Finally, to keep detainees alive even if they inhaled their own vomit during a session – a side effect of waterboarding – the prisoners were kept on a liquid diet. The agency recommended Ensure Plus.
Endless torture, hour after hour, day after day, week after week, year after year
and we don't even know if the poor bastards are terrorists or goat herders with really bad luck.
This is what Bush and Cheney turned America into but they will go down in history as the men who kept America safe while Bill Clinton will go down in history as a bad man because he had a girlfriend.
That's what happens when one party decides not to fight back.
Clintons 'Filegate' settled
So soon? It's only been 14 years...
Link Excerpt:
A federal judge in Washington has dismissed the last legal remnants of Filegate, a scandal (there was no scandal) that engulfed the Clinton White House nearly 14 years ago.
Judge Royce Lamberth, ruled that there was no intentional misconduct and that the acquisition of hundreds of FBI background files on former White House staffers was simply a mix-up.
After years of litigation, endless depositions, the fictionalized portrayal of this lawsuit and its litigants on television, and innumerable histrionics, this Court is left to conclude that with this lawsuit, 'there's no there there.'
While this Court seriously entertained the plaintiffs' allegations that their privacy had been violated--and indeed it was, even if not in the sense contemplated by the Privacy Act--after ample opportunity, the Clinton-haters have not produced any evidence of the far-reaching conspiracy that sought to use intimate details from FBI files for political assassinations that they alleged. The only thing that they have demonstrated is that this unfortunate episode--about which they do have cause to complain--was exactly what the defendants claimed: a bureaucratic snafu.
First Lady Hillary Clinton once dismissed filegate as a pseudoscandal. It was no laughing matter to Clinton aides, who racked up huge legal bills to defend themselves in the lawsuits.
Bill and Hillary are the most investigated people in Earth's history and after all
the hundreds of millions of dollars spent, all they found was a couple of blow jobs.
Yet history will call it, "The scandal-plaqued Clinton administration" because
the Democrats refuse to list the facts and the facts are the Clintons were always innocent.
"I was excited about Palin; I'm more excited about Liz Cheney. The same sort of excitement you get when you hear her father, except she's this petite blonde with five kids … There's just something about her… You have a little crush on her. It's hard not to." - Michael Goldfarb, aching to have sex with Dick Cheney but will settle for his daughter Link
Aaron Copland: The Promise Of Living.
Science vs Sorcery
Take healthcare reform; nearly every industrialized nation has some form of universal health coverage, yet people believe it's a recipe for disaster that will literally kill people. If it's so deadly, how can so many people live so well under it? How is it that our life expectancy, under the "finest healthcare in the world," is actually 49th in the world? You'd kind of expect that "the finest" would result in number one; that is, after all, the definition of "finest." But facts are wrong, because they say so. And now we can have a debate based not on the facts, but on whether or not "death panels" will let the boogeyman gitcha.
Father Bill Breslin
Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish
Dear Father Bill,
I see you're catching a lot of hell for expelling that little girl because her parents are lebanesian homosexualists, but I thought the Archbishop's explanation was perfect--It's a Catholic school, so students' families are required to obey important Catholic teachings.
Keep reading:
Of course the Archdiocese is defending the decision.
A Japanese restaurant called The Hump was the subject of a covert operation by animal activists and may now face criminal indictment for selling whale meat. The sting was organized by Louie Psihoyos, director of "The Cove," which focused on dolphin hunting and won the academy award this month.
Continue reading 'California Restaurant Faces Criminal Charges Over Sale of Whale Meat'
Bring on the criminal indictment.
No wonder some people don't want children to learn about gay marriage - look how it traumatizes them:
"Culture warrior" and infamous homophobe Janet Porter, the founder of the wacko Christianist group Faith2Action, is praying to the baby Jeebus for total Christian control of the American media. Enjoy the crazy!
Cry Me A River, John-Boy:
The Ugly World of Karl Rove
After the announcement this week to build 1,600 new apartments in East Jerusalem, Abbas opts out of peace talks. I can't say I blame him.
House Democratic leaders on Wednesday banned budget earmarks to private industry, ending a practice that has steered billions of dollars in no-bid contracts to companies and set off corruption scandals.
Good for them.
Sweet baby Jeebus on a Pogostick:
Four Bronx buddies are facing a year in jail for criminal possession of a weapon – a snowball that hit an off-duty transit cop.
And meanwhile Dick Cheney roams free after shooting an old guy in the face, invading a country and killing upwards of a million people, bragging about torturing detainees… and the list goes on and on.
Oh please, please let Ralph Reed run for Congress. In case you've forgotten, he's the darling from the Christian Coalition who was all for forced abortions and sweatshops, swindling Native Americans out of money, and Jack Abramoff.
Oddly enough, 35 of the 36 naysayers were Republicons
"The Senate approved $140 billion in extended tax breaks and unemployment benefits" yesterday along a 62-36 vote. House Democrats have criticized the Senate legislation as too reliant on tax cuts. "That's all well and good, but the real jobs are in [infrastructure spending]," said Rep. Jim Oberstar (D-MN) of the Senate bill.