One of my favorite meditations is to lay on the shores at Galilee with Jesus and Mary Magdalene, listening to the waves lap, taking shelter in Their divine presence. When I came across this Psalm I was instantly reminded of my nightly meditation.

I cannot take credit for the posing in this picture, I totally stole it from my friend Ron, best photographer I know!
St. Patrick's day has come again and I'm feeling more at peace this year. Green beer, celebrating Irish-American culture - it's as innocent really as Thanksgiving yet like Thanksgiving I know that it's based on a lie. The younger me would have railed against that lie. I would have shouted from the roof tops of the injustice of St. Patrick being celebrated when the "snakes" he drove out where actually a metaphor for the divine feminine and old wise women in Ireland. A tradition stolen from my ancestors, women eventually burned at the stake.
However a new tradition of Christ took root and what am I but a devotee of that Divine Marriage between the Pagan wisdom and Christian revelation?
But this year I think, let's just bake Irish soda bread, eat Shepard's pie, wear green and be happy, and thankful, to be Irish! We can hold space for the reality as well as the cultural practice, the ideal and the actual - it's the balance of everyday life. A path we all walk in one way or another.
Whatever your St. Patrick's day path, we wish you joy and blessings!