Seven years ago yesterday, that the horrible invasion of Iraq began, with cable news bobbleheads wearing American flag lapel pin and cheering as the bombs rained down on civilians.
Senator Hatch says health care reform will destroy bipartisanship. This guy is more worried about a dead fantasy than sick Americans. - Will Durst
Rethug moral values Bwwwahahahaha! Awesome.
Federal investigators have issued subpoenas to the National Republican Senatorial Committee for documents relating to Sen. John Ensign's (R-Nev.) tenure there, the committee confirmed Thursday.
The subpoenas, part of a widening investigation by federal authorities into Ensign, come at a bad time for Senate Republicans, who want to focus their energies on defeating Democrats' health care legislation.
And here are three phrases that John Ensign never wanted to hear: wide-ranging, deadly-serious, and moving rapidly: Nevada Senator John Ensign is in the crosshairs of a Department of Justice criminal investigation.
The criminal probe stems from a romantic affair Mr. Sanctity-of-Marriage Ensign had with the wife of his key staffer and close friend, Doug Hampton, and what Ensign has done to help the Hamptons financially and sexually.
The Justice Department came to Las Vegas to interview several prominent business and political figures in what appears to be a wide-ranging and deadly-serious criminal probe.
Wisco: GOP's alternate healthcare reality.
Good for him
Anderson Cooper loses all of CNN's wealth on Jeopardy

Look at that sad face. That's the face of a CNN anchor who just lost to Cheech Marin on Alex Trebek's Canadian Trivia. Which is completely fine! Cheech Marin is smart, maybe! This isn't nearly as bad as Wolf Blitzer's last appearance. Philadelphia Will Do
GOP House Used Dreaded So-Called 'Slaughter Rule' 202 Times under Speakers Gingrich and Hastert.
Hmmmm.....an extensive collection of secret files, maintained by the Boy Scouts of America, and they go back for decades.
Oh noes. Sarah Palin got assaulted by Sam Donaldson's wig maker!
Jim Hightower: Does the Republican Party have a secret "Stupid Farm" where it breeds and raises senators?
They don't even try to make the lies believable anymore
Population of migrating Monarchs is lowest ever "Monarch butterflies, hit hard by strong storms at their winter home in Mexico, have dwindled to their lowest population levels in decades as they begin to return to Texas on their springtime flight back to the United States and Canada. ... The monarch loss is estimated at 50 to 60 percent and means that the breeding population flying northward is expected to be the smallest since the Mexican overwintering colonies were discovered in 1975, said Chip Taylor, a professor of entomology and director of Monarch Watch at the University of Kansas. ... "I think it is very clear that the butterflies lost more than half of the population," Taylor said. "I'm hoping it wasn't as high as 70 or 80 percent. We've never seen it this bad before.""
Anthony Weiner smacks down Peggy Noonan
The prodigal video, it has finally arrived, praise Jeebus: delightful Rep. Anthony Weiner yelling at old moron Her Highness Madame Regina WordGod Peggy Noonan, who is piiiiiiiissssssed. Sit through about 30 seconds of Howard Dean not knowing what he's talking about process-wise (You can't pass the whole thing through reconciliation! George Bush had trouble passing domestic legislation too!), and then watch Anthony Weiner try not to beat the shit out of all of these people. TPM
No shooting in the Big Tent, America haters!
Save those itchy fingers for the company circlejerks, Fox Noise's repulsive founder tells his toadies.
Roger Ailes is asking the network's Glenn Beck haters to stop "shooting in the tent," claiming the in-house anti-Beck vitriol is unprecedented in the company's 14-year history.
"For the first time in our 14 years, we've had people apparently shooting in the tent, from within the tent," he told them, obviously not giggling childishly picturing metric buttloads of thick white gelatinous fluid dripping from the nutwork's circus canvas.
He then switched to a more appalling metaphor:
"We prefer people in the tent not dumping on other people in the tent," he said, adding, "Especially when it's my hand-picked, fair-haired personal little flunkie."
Ailes warned that people who found it hard to stand in Beck's shadow had another option besides denigrating their own team.
"If I couldn't defend the family, I'd leave," the Fux Godfather said. "I'd go to another family."
Fair… and balanced!
Watch what you say, citizen-traitor
Keepin' us safer: Cheney, Ashcroft, Tenet, Rumsfeld warned 9/11 Commission about 'line it should not cross.'
"The reason for this cover-up goes right to the [Bush] White House."
Senior Bush administration officials sternly cautioned the 9/11 Commission against probing too deeply into the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, according to a document recently obtained by the ACLU.
The notification came in a letter dated January 6, 2004, addressed by Attorney General John Ashcroft, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and CIA Director George Tenet. The ACLU described it as a fax sent by David Addington, then-counsel to former vice president Dick Cheney.
In the message, the officials denied the bipartisan commission's request to question terrorist detainees, informing its two senior-most members that doing so would "cross" a "line" and obstruct the administration's ability to "protect the nation."
-- "Protect the…"???! Holy crap. Why aren't these shitheads in prison?? Lots more here.
Once upon a time, these groundbreaking operations were done in America. Before the freakazoids imposed the Xian Taliban on stem-cell research. "A 10-year-old British boy has become the first child to undergo a windpipe transplant with an organ crafted from his own stem cells. It is hoped that using the boy's own tissue in the nine-hour operation at Great Ormond Street Hospital will cut the risk of rejection. The world's first tissue-engineered windpipe transplant was done in Spain in 2008 but with a shorter graft. Doctors say the boy is doing well and breathing normally. He has a rare condition called Long Segment Congenital Tracheal Stenosis, in which patients are born with an extremely narrow airway."
Historians to Texas: quit trying to rewrite history
The Confederacy did not win the Civil War and Jesus did NOT ride dinosaurs, you f**king pinheaded yokums, say scholars.
Historians on Tuesday criticized proposed revisions to the Texas social studies curriculum, saying that many of the changes are historically inaccurate and that they would affect textbooks and classrooms far beyond the state's borders.
The changes, which were preliminarily approved last week by the Texas board of education and are expected to be given final approval in May, will define what textbooks must include and what teachers must cover. The curriculum plays down the role of Thomas Jefferson among the founding fathers, questions the separation of church and state, and claims that, during the Cold War, the U.S. government was infiltrated by Communists who tried to sap and impurify our precious bodily fluids.

h/t Dick
NYT: Pope Offers Apology, Not Penalty, for Sex Abuse Scandal
They should all be in prison, including Joey the Rat.