"Sewing is special because you get to make things and I get to make my little brothers toys." -Nykki
Sewing is an important part of our mental and spiritual development. Our ancient ancestors sewed before they could write, before they could read -even before they could speak.
The picture above is for Nykki's sewing sampler he's working on. It's his back stitch. In my opinion, it's practical to teach my boys to sew. I don't know what path there lives will take or where our society will be when they get there but I'll be danged if my boys will be dependent upon Walmart or Kohls for their clothing.
I think teaching boys home arts is especially important. Many mother's today are not teaching their girls how to keep a tidy home, how to cook, sew, knit, raise babies, and otherwise take care of their family. It's not "cool", it's not "modern".
In case my one of my boys falls in love with one of these "modern" girls, he will be able to help her in the keeping a nice home.
That isn't to say I load them up simply on home arts, they also learn karate, farming, hunting/trapping, water purification, archery, reading, math, science, politics, community involvement, etc.
Three cheers for well rounded boys!