The Spirit has moved me to start offering my thesis, as an e-book, for free.
You can find it here. Spiral bound copies are still $25 to cover printing cost. You can email me at aylayoga at gmail dot com if you would like to order a hard copy. Blessings!
Here's the Abstract
Two distinct, ethnic Euro-American, communities kept homebirth alive
throughout the 20th century while nearly all other women were coerced into
birthing in hospitals - the Amish Mennonites (Pennsylvania Dutch) and the
Mormons. I wish to heuristically explore two interesting commonalities within
these cultures - home birth and celestial feminine/magickal practices. I do not
seek to “prove” that because these two cultures have a history of the Divine
Feminine and magic that they always birth at home - but rather to show the
synchronicities between their spiritual heritages (which can be seen in their
history as well as their current practices) and their tendency to birth at home.
Using intuitive inquiry and reflective listening, I will present research on my
topic of inquiry alongside my inner reflection on the matter. Using methods in
addition to research, I hope to draw the reader into an interactive experience,
integral inquiry, with this paper by using prompts for reflection, indwelling,
narrative considerations to create meaning in the human life cycle, as well as
artful expression.