This menu plan is for a family of 5, two adults, two male children and a breastfeeding babe. Because I have growing boys the meals and snacks a quite abundant. I don't typically use all the recommended spices in a recipe so if it's in a recipe but not on the store list, that's why (my children and hubby like bland food). This menu follows the nourishing traditions diet but has vegetarian options for my husband where needed. Enjoy!
B = Breakfast
L = Lunch
D = Dinner
P = Prep work
Already made last week – Sourdough bread and sauerkraut, sprouted quinoa
B- Scrambled eggs, banana and toast
L- Steamed potatoes, carrots and broccoli with quinoa
D- Hamburger or tofu patties on lettuce wraps with sliced apples
P- Culture oats* and polenta, bake peach pie
*Cultured oats are made by placing 2 cups of oats, 1 cup of water and one tablespoon of yogurt, mixed together, in a covered dish over night
B- Cultured oatmeal with raw milk, honey and coconut
L- Polenta with tomato sauce, fish oil and sour cream
D- Liver and onion stir fry with ginger, potatoes and carrots
P- Make corn tortillas and chicken soup*, sprout beans
*I make my chicken soup by placing four chicken legs in a large pot of water, add one tablespoon apple cider vinegar, bring to a boil, reduce and simmer for 4 hours, strip meat from bones, add desired veggies along with salt and pepper to taste.
Wed. Happy St. Patty’s Day!
B- Scrambled egg tacos
L- Chicken soup
D- Shepards Pie with onion, corn, carrots and sweet potato*
P- Make Gulten-free Irish soda bread, sprout lentils
*place grated carrot, sweet potato and onion in a pan with one half can tomato paste, some water (keep it thick though) and a tablespoon of Worcestershire, simmer until soft, add canned corn, place in dish, cover with mashed potatoes, sprinkle with grated cheese, bake about 45 minutes, until golden brown
B- Sourdough pancakes with honey
L- Steamed Veggies with sour cream
D- 1/2 of this Meatloaf and Tofu loaf (minus spices), mashed potatoes
B- Egg sandwiches (fried egg and cheese on toast)
L- Salmon or peanut butter sandwiches and sauerkraut
D- Split Pea Soup using left over chicken stock, minus the chicken (cook stock and peas together, add milk, nutritional yeast, salt pepper and desired veggies, simmer about one hour)
P- Culture Oats
B- Oatmeal with raw milk, honey and coconut
L- Corn tortillas with chicken (scooped out of chicken soup), beans and cheese and a salad
D- Lasagna with rice noodles, veggies and half beef
P- Bake bread, Make sauerkraut, sprout quinoa
B- Santa Fe huevos with beans, onion and tomato (just scramble eggs and stir fry veggies and beans)
L- Leftovers
D- Lentil soup (simmer 1 lb lentils with soy sauce, sage and carrots for one hour)
Snacks: Irish Soda Bread, Tortillas with butter, yogurt with honey, fruit, hard boiled eggs, carrots, sauerkraut
Deserts: Peach Pie, Honey sweetened hot chocolate (hot milk, coco powder and honey)
Store List
Remember to buy local and organic when possible :)
Eggs (3 dozen)
Flour (4 cups)
Bananas (10 count)
Potatoes (3 lbs)
Carrots (5 lbs)
Broccoli (2 lbs)
Quinoa (2 cups)
Hamburger (1 lb)
Lettuce (1 head)
Cabbage (2 heads)
Apples (6 count)
Oatmeal (5 cups)
Polenta (2 cups)
Peaches (2 cups)
Coconut (2 cups)
Tomato sauce with fish oil (one cup)
Sour Cream
Butter (2 lbs)
Liver (½ lb)
Onion (3 count)
Masa (2 cups)
Chicken legs (4 count)
Lentils (1 lb)
Beans (1/2 lb)
Sweet potato (1 count)
Millet flour (1 cup)
Sorghum flour (1/2 cup)
Potato starch flour (1/2 cup)
Carraway seeds
Raisins (2 cups)
Milk (1/2 gallon)
Soy Sauce
Nutritional Yeast
Tofu (2 lbs)
Salmon (1 can)
Peanut butter
Lasagna noodles, rice
Tomato (2 count)
Chocolate powder
Green Split Peas (1 lb)
Burger condiments
Salad dressing
Canned Corn (1 count)