It's hard to find or make healthy food when your sick, tired or really busy. Here are some ideas ...
Start with some Avarado sprouted sough dough bread. Add PB and honey, or Applegate Farms, organic, grass-fed, roast beef and hummus. I like to heat my sandwiches a bit in the oven for a warm satisfying taste.
*If you can't handle grains at all, wrap it in a lettuce leaf.
Chicken Soup:
Great for healing and super easy to make. Place a whole, small, organic, frozen chicken in your largest pot, fill with water and add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Bring to a boil, reduce and simmer for 4 hours. Allow to cool and then the meat just falls off the bones. Compost the bones, return soup to medium heat on the stove and add anything else you would like such as creamed corn, grated carrots, bay leaves, etc.
Start with a pack of sprouted corn tortillas, top with organic re-fried beans, sliced tomatoes, cheese whatever you like that's yummy, wholesome and fast.
Snack Ideas: Apples, carrots, bananas, pears, cheese sticks, mixed nuts, beef or turkey jerky, popcorn, or yogurt
My favorite sick time desert is Coconut Bliss Ice "Cream". No refined sugars to beat down your immune system, great taste, soothing for a sore throat and made from super healthy organic coconut!