No, please don’t yawn.
His Grace perfectly understands the anticipated tedium of such a post title, but there is one (yes, just one) agenda item worth noting which their activists will be discussing (and at least their activists get to discuss…).
The whole Conference Agenda merits a glance, but of particular note is the one entitled: ‘Religion in the workplace – Humanist & Secularist Liberal Democrats’.
“Dr Ronan McCrea LLB of the Lawyers Secular Society, a European law expert and Cllr Ruth Polling, Executive member for Equalities Islington Council, explore challenges that arise when religion intrudes in the workplace. The ICC, Hall 7b" (Conference Handbook, p27).

"Human wellbeing is increasingly dependent on scientific enquiries being courageously pursued, and acted upon. The intervention of non-evidence-based dogmas, through the exercise of religious power or the manipulation of education, can constitute a threat to that wellbeing, and must be resisted."
Naturally, Dr
They write: ‘Forty-two per cent think that the government pays too much attention to religious groups and leaders’.
Frankly, Cranmer thinks the government, the media and political parties pay too much attention to humanist and secular groups and their leaders: the coverage they achieve is quite out of proportion to those who actually profess this worldview, and certainly to those who are affiliated in any kind of membership.
In pursuit of New Labour's 'common good', it is to be observed that the state is increasingly intolerant of Christianity; all citizens are no longer equal before the law; and the only neutrality expressed by the state towards religion is that which is profoundly anti-Christian, which is no neutrality at all. Secularism is as aggressive as the most insidious religions: it is not ‘neutral’. It has its own creed, propagates its own infallible dogma, and is as corrosive to the common good as any other assertion of absolute intolerance.
Only the Illiberal Undemocrats would seek to eradicate the Christian faith from the public sphere, contrary to any notion of liberalism and antithetical to the majority democratic profession of the British people.