Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Headlines - Wednesday March 10

"Our families shouldn't be used as targets to get at people in politics." - Karl Rove, who said Mrs McCain was a druggie and 'Where did McCain's Black baby come from?" in the 2000 GOP primaries, killing McCain's chances with the much-needed racist-redneck voters, Link
Rumsfeld's Torture Lawsuit Link

On Friday, a federal judge refused to dismiss a civil lawsuit accusing Donald Rumsfeld of responsibility for the alleged torture by U.S. forces of two Americans who worked for an Iraqi contracting firm.

U.S. District Judge Wayne Andersen's ruling did not say the two contractors had proven their claims, including that they were tortured after reporting alleged illegal activities by their company. But it did say they had alleged enough specific mistreatment to warrant hearing evidence of exactly what happened.

Andersen said his decision "represents a recognition that federal officials may not strip citizens of well settled constitutional protections against mistreatment simply because they are located in a tumultuous foreign setting."

Andersen did throw out two of the lawsuit's three counts but gave the torturees the green light to go forward with a third count alleging they were unconstitutionally tortured under procedures personally approved by Rumsfeld..  

Are they going to have Rummy's deposition under oath and on TV like they did Clinton?

Oh, that's right - this isn't about sex so we have no right to know the truth.


This won't end until the Vatican stops forcing the perversity of celibacy on its priests. "Dutch religious leaders have ordered an independent inquiry into alleged sexual abuse of children by Catholic priests. Earlier, the Vatican defended its response to child sex abuse allegations in a number of European states, saying it had reacted rapidly and decisively. In the latest revelations, the head of an Austrian monastery confessed to abusing a boy more than 40 years ago. Separately, Pope Benedict's brother said in an interview he slapped pupils in the face at a German choir school. The Dutch investigation will be opened "as soon as possible", it was announced after Dutch bishops met to discuss abuse claims by about 200 alleged victims, some from several decades ago."


"Yes because what we have now is basically a Republican health care bill, if it gets through. He's a nice person, but he couldn't sell watermelons if you gave him state troopers to flag down traffic." Dan Rather, asked if Obamacare will become law Link


Subject: what Arianna said

"The teabaggers and Michael Moore are both angry about the same thing." Arianna 

Bartcop says: Uh, no.  Michael Moore isn't upset that the president is BLACK.  He doesn't want to see Obama's birth certificate. He doesn't think Obama is a communist, a socialist, a fascist, the Joker, the Antichrist, or a Kenyan.  He doesn't believe that Obama's singular goal in life is to kill as many unborn babies as he possibly can, or to let the 'terrorist' win.

Michael Moore doesn't empathize with the guy who flew a plane into to a building to bag an IRS agent.  He didn't go out and buy a closet full of guns ahead of Obama's confiscation edict.  He doesn't believe that concentration camps are being erected out--as we speak-- to detain all conservatives.  He doesn't claim that ALL taxes are EVIL.

Arianna, you ignorant slut!


Oceans are losing oxygen
Inhofe says, "Not a problem."



How to waste (almost) nothing in the kitchen.


This fireplace was voted the world's most beautiful object in last year's Pulchra design competition.




Unemployed? Don't expect the GOP to help you

Given the political environment these days, it probably shouldn't surprise anyone that Sen. Jim Bunning has his supporters. Bunning, who held up an emergency spending bill because it wasn't paid for -- and because he's a lifelong prick -- imperiled the unemployment benefits of more than a million people. And he did this in the middle of a crisis of unemployment.

But it turns out that unemployed people are lazy. They'll stay unemployed for as long as they have benefits. See, unemployed people are unemployed because they deserve it. That's the Republican mindset; people with a lot of money are wonderful people who deserve all that money, while people with just a little or no money are awful people who are purposely poor so they can sponge off the government. This reasoning is so ingrained that, even in the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression -- with the vast majority of the jobless unemployed through no fault of their own -- they can't shake the belief that people in need are just lazy.

Take Tom DeLay:
The International Brotherhood of Electric Workers is doing more than complaining about how much money bailed-out bank executives are making, they've sued Goldman Sachs. A spokesman for Goldman Sachs said the lawsuit was "completely without merit," which is how most Americans would describe the compensation the executives received for nearly running the U.S. economy into the ground.


Funny how no one's talking about the "Arnold Amendment" anymore.

Remember when there was a big push among Republicans to introduce and pass a Constitutional Amendment that would allow non-native-born Americans to be President. It was all because back then, Arnold Schwarzenegger was a big hero to Republicans, so why NOT change the Constitution to allow it? In 2003, none other than Orrin Hatch introduced legislation to amend the Constitution to allow anyone who's lived in the U.S. for twenty years to be president. It seems almost quaint now, in an age when Republicans are joining the "birther" chorus, led by the unhinged Orly Taitz, that somehow Barack Obama is a fearsome "Other" who seized his office unlawfully. What's even more quaint is that in 2004, the Amendment was branded the "Equal Opportunity to Govern Amendment" and the Hatch-led Senate Judiciary Committee hearing into such an amendment was branded "Maximizing Voter Choice: Opening the Presidency to Naturalized Americans."
Keep reading:


Limbaugh claims he'll flee the horrors of "socialized medicine" by escaping to a country with.... socialized medicine:

Adding details and context to Limbaugh's nonsense is usually a waste of time, but it's probably worth noting that Costa Rica would be an interesting choice for Limbaugh's self-imposed exile. The national health care system in Costa Rica is socialized and generally considered the best in Latin America


Capitalists support the free market 

Except when they don't. Airlines want to get money from the Federal government in order to put GPS on their airliners.
Airlines are pressuring the government not to saddle them with the bulk of expenses for the planned multibillion-dollar upgrade of the air traffic system to one relying on satellites rather than ground-based radar.
I've got two words for the airlines: Tough Shit.
Keep reading:
Why Kucinich might vote to kill health care reform.
I hope he does. Between the giveaways to insurance companies and the fact that Republicons will water it down to nothing and then vote against it anyway, it's not going to be of any use to most of us. Single-payer for all or nothing.
R.I.P. Corey Haim.
Condemning new settlements just a start - now work on removing the illegal ones. "US Vice-President Joe Biden has condemned Israel's approval of 1,600 new homes for ultra-Orthodox Jews in East Jerusalem. Mr Biden, in Israel as part of US attempts to kick-start the peace process, said it was "the kind of step that undermines the trust we need". Palestinian leaders also condemned the controversial move. Israel insisted it was a procedural step with no connection to Mr Biden's visit. The international community considers East Jerusalem occupied territory. Building on occupied land is illegal under international law, but Israel regards East Jerusalem - which it annexed in 1967 - as its territory. In a strongly worded statement, Mr Biden said: "I condemn the decision by the government of Israel to advance planning for new housing units in east Jerusalem." It's very rare for the White House to actually condemn Israel for anything, but Israel's action must have been perceived as a snub in Washington. Just as Joe Biden was talking about a moment of opportunity for peace between Israelis and Palestinians, Israel was taking steps that would infuriate the Palestinians and possibly undermine that moment of opportunity. Mr Biden reminded all parties to refrain from any statements or action that would inflame tensions or prejudice the outcome of talks. On this occasion his message seemed to be directed mostly at the Israelis."
Good news for them:
Number of millionaires in America increased 16% in 2009!
Health insurance industry defends massive profits, complains it is being 'vilified.'
Chief Justice Roberts (who lied during his confirmation hearing by saying he promised not to legislate from the bench) does not think the Supreme Court is above criticism — just above public criticism. Los Angeles Times

Loathsome harpy and her retinue of scumbags continue to get slammed by the right.

The "Al Qaeda 7"? Those
incompetent McCarthyites in Liz Cheney's private bunker seem to have miscounted:

Michael Chertoff, who served as counsel to a man identified as a leading Al Qaeda fundraiser in North America, went on to head the criminal division at Justice and then to become secretary of Homeland Security.

The list would also include Michael Mukasey, Bush's last attorney general, whose law firm had an active pro bono program writing appeals in support of the Guantánamo inmates on constitutional issues, and Rudy Giuliani, whose firm was and is also engaged in representing Gitmo prisoners.
Yeah, a Bush/Cheney AG and "America's Mayor," Rudy "9/11" Giuliani, Liz, you ass.

Even one of the biggest repuke prigs on the planet is pissed:
A group that includes leading conservative lawyers and policy experts, former independent counsel Kenneth Starr and several senior officials of the last Bush [misa]dministration, is denouncing as "shameful" Republican attacks on lawyers who came to the Obama Justice Department after representing suspected terrorists.

"We consider these attacks both unjust to the individuals in question and destructive of any attempt to build lasting mechanisms for counterterrorism adjudications," wrote the 19 lawyers whose names were attached to the statement as of early Monday.
The best line of the day has to come from Eugene Robinson, though, who basically tells her to cram it up her f**kpipe sideways:
"She ought to spend the time examining her own principles, if she can find them."

He goes on:
"[M]aligning is apparently the whole point of the exercise. The smear campaign by Cheney, et al., has nothing to do with keeping America safe. It can only be an attempt to inflict political damage on the Obama administration by portraying the Justice Department as somehow "soft" on terrorism. Even by Washington's low standards, this is unbelievably dishonest and dishonorable. [...]

"This time, obviously, they went too far. Scorched-earth groups like Keep America Safe may just be pretending not to understand our most firmly established and cherished legal principles, but there is one thing they genuinely don't grasp: the concept of shame."
Update: Ken Starr speaks out, calls Ms Cheney a stain on the fabric of America.

Glenn Beck said last week that Christians should leave churches that preach "social justice." Social justice is an essential part of Catholic teaching. It's part of being a Catholic. Mr. Beck equated the desire for a just society with -- wait for it -- Nazism and Communism.
"I beg you, look for the words 'social justice' or 'economic justice' on your church Web site. If you find it, run as fast as you can. Social justice and economic justice, they are code words. Now, am I advising people to leave their church? Yes."
Compassionate conservatism. Wow.

Actual pic, from here.