Megan Mariah Barnes and her ex-husband Charles Judy were driving southbound Tuesday morning when they slammed into the back of a pick-up driven by David Schoff after he slowed to take a turn, CBS station WFOR-TV reports. Barnes said she was meeting her boyfriend in Key West and wanted to be "ready for the visit," trooper Gary Dunick explained. CUDJOE KEY (CBS) ― A two-car crash on a Florida highway was caused by a 37-year-old woman who was shaving her bikini area while in the driver's seat, according to the Florida Highway Patrol. Her ex-husband was steering from the passenger seat.
I'm not even going to ask why she was driving down to meet her boyfriend with her ex-husband...
President Obama has chosen a retired Army intelligence officer, Maj. Gen. Robert A. Harding, to lead the Transportation Security Administration, a job officials call the most important unfilled position in the administration.You might recall that during the protests of the Iraq War, Army Intelligence was in the forefront of spying on Americans they thought were "security threats", which included the Quakers. I don't know if Gen. Harding was involved in any of that, but the Senate ought to find out before they confirm his ass.
Bartcop says:
"Oh no! Look at the blue skyscraper that insures everybody! Oh, no!!"
If only the Democrats would list the facts.
The teabaggers are insane with rage over Obama's blue ink but they have NO PROBLEM with Bush's red ink.
Bush gave billions to the super rich, and teabaggers love that. Obama wants to save your family health care costs and those racist teabaggers hate him for it.
Thanks to One Citizen for the newer graph.
I've lost count on the examples of Palinocrisy
Because equating yourself with God isn't hubristic enough, this is a stunner:
The vocal opponent of health care reform in the U.S. steered largely clear of the topic except to reveal a tidbit about her life growing up not far from Whitehorse. "We used to hustle over the border for health care we received in Canada," she said. "And I think now, isn't that ironic." She touched on climate change, saying that her skepticism has been proven by several recent controversies and that money shouldn't be spent on "pie-in-the-sky, snake-oil ideas."
For the first time since the dinosaurs disappeared, humans are driving animals and plants to extinction faster than new species can evolve, one of the world's experts on biodiversity has warned.
Conservation experts have already signalled that the world is in the grip of the "sixth great extinction" of species, driven by the destruction of natural habitats, hunting, the spread of alien predators and disease, and climate change.
So it's a crisis .... what's the big hurry?
The moral of this story should be obvious. It isn't some whimsical notion President Obama had to reform what we've been calling our system of healthcare delivery. It's reaction to a real world problem that's happening right now. We have a healthcare crisis, it's happening now, and it's only getting worse. Republicans are fond of pointing out that the healthcare industry represents 1/6 of our economy. If we do nothing, it'll become 1/5. Insurance companies are raising rates at an alarming clip and there seems to be no end in sight. I don't feel I can say often enough that this is happening right now. And the opponents of reform are saying we should start over; in other words, wait. Meanwhile, the ground is getting closer and closer. Keep reading: http://griperblade.blogspot.com/2010/03/so-it-crisis-what-big-hurry.html
Question of the day: what is scarier than an enraged Rahm Emanuel poking his finger in your chest?
Answer: A naked enraged Rahm Emanuel poking his finger in your chest while you are taking a shower.
That is what outgoing Rep. Eric Massa (D, NY) says happened when he was taking a shower in the member’s club. Massa says that he was forced out because he planned to vote against the health bill.
Massa resigned during a dispute over alleged harassment of a male staff member, here.
Massa says that he was taking a shower when Emanuel laid bare the facts on health care: “I am showering, naked as a jaybird, and here comes Rahm Emanuel, not even with a towel wrapped around his tush, poking his finger in my chest, yelling at me.”
He goes further to say that he was effectively framed with an ethics investigation over comments he made to a male staffer due to the health care controversy.
"I'll take, 'Only if you think hakapiking is cool', for $1,000, Alex."
Is serving seal meat really that offensive?
Steve Benen via Digby:
"Tyranny" is found when an elected Democratic majority passes legislation that Republicans don't like.
"Reconciliation" describes a Senate process that Republicans are allowed to use to overcome Democratic "obstructionism."
"Terrorism" refers to acts of political violence committed by people who aren't white guys.
"Bipartisanship" is found when Democrats agree to pass Republican legislation.
"Big government" describes a dangerous phenomenon to be avoided, except in cases relating to reproductive rights or gays.
"Treason" refers to Democrats criticizing a Republican administration during a war.
You too can speak like a Republican. Steve asks for reader submissions in his comments section. Have a nut!
Why are we letting these people dictate what's in health care reform?
FBI rat/informant
Fake prostitute/real whore Giles sends out a frothing, whiny fundraising letter stating that the group she set out to destroy is out to destroy her, marking the first time in history that tin-foil ink is used.
Stupid bint. Karma sucks, doesn’t it?