Monday, June 7, 2010

High Protein Lunches for the Vegetarian Papa

My husband is a vegetarian, that having been said he likes a high protein diet. Here are some meals I make for him to take to work...

Peanut Butter sandwich on high protein, whole grain bread
Hard boiled Egg
Cheese stick

Cup of mixed nuts
Sliced cheese and avocado sandwich
Hard Boiled Egg

Pan fried, sprouted, fermented tofu
Hard Boiled Egg
Cheese sticks

Black bean burrito or taco
Celery with Peanut butter
Hard Boiled Egg

Yam sandwich (you can bake the yam or my hubby likes it raw)
Hard boiled egg
Cup of peanuts

And yes, he uses brown bags and sandwich baggies because reusable containers NEVER come home! LOL I figure it's not worth the fight, Mother Earth forgive me.