Saturday, June 26, 2010

Headlines - Saturday June 26

I was here instead of reading the news:
click to zoom
Abstinence Only works wonders: Half of all pregnancies in U.S. are unintended.
Michele Bachmann is America's next Meryl Streep


Someone has finally recognized the "Hollywood" in Congresswingnut Michele Bachmann and stuck her in a real movie! Bachmann makes her big acting debut in a brand-new Cold War propaganda film called Socialism: A Clear and Present Danger, created by the evangelists at Coral Ridge Ministries and directed by a camera guy who's heard of James Cameron. Make way for a real star, Eclipse people! MORE »

Jindal declares day of prayer over spill, but hasn't called the National Guard.
Unfortunately, the average American doesn't pay enough attention to how their country is being run to understand this. Either that or they think it's a game and it doesn't really matter which side is in charge.

Everybody's talking about Senator Debbie Stabenow's aggressive words today accusing the Republicans of tanking the economy and throwing millions out of work for political gain. I don't see why this is even slightly controversial. The GOP is a party whose mouthpieces said from the very beginning that they wanted the president to fail and that they were planning his "Waterloo." And anyone who understood how our government works (or even understands simple logic) knew that saying that in the midst of an economic crisis translates to making people suffer. There was no other way to interpret that so it makes sense.

Republican policies are not about the welfare of their constituents but about setting the table for the November elections. It's about being in power in order to protect their 'patrons' from their constituents.

You have the Republican Party standing up for BP (many saying we should pick up the bill for the clean up), Bobby Jindal and Hayley Barbour some of the loudest, under the auspices of "saving jobs", and this is taken as sane behavior in this country. Their states' economies have been ruined, hundreds of thousands of peoples' lives ruined, and hundreds of miles of delicate ecosystem destroyed, and they're 'worried' about the handful of jobs lost if a small percentage of deep water rigs are shut down? People have been institutionalized for saying shit like that in the past but today it's considered intelligent discourse.

And people will go out and vote for these idiots.

In my day, "USA" meant "can do". Now, it's just an acronym for "fail" and we have ourselves to blame. Collectively, we put them in office and now it's next to impossible to get them out. Who else you gonna blame?
Morford: BP welcomes you to the apocalypse.
Frankenfoods: Genetically Altered Salmon Get Closer to the Table
More than 4 in 10 Americans are idiots, according to a poll from the Pew Research Center For The People and The Press/Smithsonian Magazine (see last bullet):
• 71 per cent believe cancer will be cured by 2050.

• 81 per cent believe computers will be able to converse like humans.

• 68 per cent of those under 30 predict a world war by 2050.

• 53 per cent say ordinary people will travel in space

• Nearly three-quarters, or 74 per cent, of those polled believe it likely that "most of our energy will come from sources other than coal, oil, and gas".

• Yet 72 per cent believe the world is likely to experience a major worldwide energy crisis by 2050.

• 66 per cent say the Earth will definitely or probably get warmer but it breaks down strongly along political lines, with just 48 per cent of Republicans saying so and 83 per cent of Democrats.

• 42 per cent say it is likely that scientists will be able to tell what people are thinking by scanning their brains but 55 say this will definitely or probably not happen.

• 89 per cent believe a woman will be elected US president by 2050.

• 86 per cent say it is at least probable that most Americans will have to work into their 70s before retiring.

• 41 per cent say Jesus Christ will return within the next 40 years while 46 per cent say this will definitely or probably not happen.
Don't Worry, America... 

...Blackwater is here to protect us all, no matter what the cost.
Former Vice President Dick Cheney was admitted to the hospital Friday after experiencing discomfort, the latest health scare for the 69-year-old Republican leader who has a long history of heart disease.

Satan is turning down the sheets, wistful for a homecoming for his favorite son.


An amoral prick of a judge who ruled against moratorium owned stock in Exxon, Transocean, and other drilling companies.




Supreme Court: Enron really wasn't so bad, actually! 

This is actually the other guy, but whatever

The first year and a half or so of the '00s sure seem pretty awesome in retrospect, right? The worst we had to worry about was Al Gore's "lock box" and the sudden discovery that maybe sometimes corporations acted in the interests of their own short-term profit, rather than for the greater good of society! One of these corporations was called "Enron," and everyone was really mad about it, for a while, and eventually some of the people who ran it went to jail. Except now the Supreme Court has thrown out a lot of the charges, because really, crimes from 1999, who can even imagine what those must have been like, now MORE »

Birds beware! Bionic Kitteh alert!
Now concentrate, Piper. If Mommy has ...

8 ethics violations and the independent counsel has discovered 2 more . . . "