Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Headlines - Tuesday June 22

Short on time and heading to Zion for 2-3 days. Talk amongst yourselves...
Bob Herbert: When Greatness Slips Away.
It seems that they all hate freedom of speech, at least when what is being talked about is something that they disagree with. In Japan, the conservatives have used threats of violence to scare theaters from not showing "The Cove."

Different country's wingnuts, same old shit.
Just get your fat asses down to the shore
While cleanup crews and technical teams continue efforts to stop crude gushing into the Gulf of Mexico, Louisiana lawmakers are proposing a different approach: prayer.
"Thus far efforts made by mortals to try to solve the crisis have been to no avail," state Sen. Robert Adley said in a statement released after last week's unanimous vote for the day of prayer. "It is clearly time for a miracle for us."

OK, so all the Bubbas in the world are going to put down their pork rinds, sweet tea, "branch water" and whatnot, and pray to Baby Jeebus to save 'em? Well, why the heck not, it's easier than actually going down to the shore and volunteering and y'all don't have to miss y'alls shows.

Remember, Jeebus loves him some GOP nutters.

Jeebus, what a bunch of Jindals.


And then there were no oil spills ever again. The end.

The Mineral Management Service is no more. Ken Salazar has renamed it the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement. That's the Bureau of Ocean Energy, or BOE, for short.

The Department of Justice is rumored to be changing it's name, too: The Department of Not Prosecuting Republican Ratfinks. It's just a rumor, of course.


After all the angst over how will the kiddies ever learn about Phyllus Schlafly and the Moral Majority (and her predecessor, Joe McCarthy) in the Texas school books, it turns out that no one can afford them.

Now it appears that Texas kids will have to glean those points from supplementary materials rather than new textbooks that were supposed to arrive in the fall. The state normally replaces textbooks on a rotating basis every 10 years. With Texas facing a budget shortfall of at least $11 billion in 2011, the money isn't going to be there. Textbooks covering the new science standards would have cost $400 million, and the Legislature is already expecting a bill of $888 million for textbooks already ordered.

Yes, the native sons and daughters of the Lone Star State will have to learn about the significant contributions of the confederate soldiers elsewhere, because the state is broke, and will not be replenishing their old textbooks this year.

But not to fear, y'all: they found enough money stashed away somewhere so that they hope to produce a Science supplement about Evolution's failabilities. And there will be a test: they upgraded the exit exam to match the new standards before they rolled out the new text books. Lots'a luck with that!


Noted oil expert and former part-time governor of Alaskastan, Mooselini is now revealing her grand plan to assume the levers of power! She is praying to her almighty diety (Grift) for divine intervention in the oil spill! "Eenie-meenie, jelly-beany…"

At least now we understand why she let notorious hocky playing nudist Levi Johnston defile her daughter Bristol, the abstinence educator and single mother and image consultant, so that she could not be used to plug the hole in the gulf. Pipette, you better get a move on, we're looking at you!



Wisco: The effects of the offshore drilling moratorium on gas prices.



Death to the death penalty: http://mariopiperni.com/crime-and-punishment/death-to-the-death-penalty.php


Conservative Talking Points

Chris Matthews asks…

[I]s there a little carrier pigeon that goes around from Mark Levin to Rush Limbaugh to Michelle Bachmann to Joe Barton? Who delivers these little pearls like "slush fund," you know, and "shakedown?" Where do these words come from?

Well, yes Chris, there is a "little carrier pigeon" and the message they carry is called Conservative Daily Talking Points.  Anyone who spends any time reading up on what the right has to say on any specific day would be able to pick out the day's meme du jour.  Here's DailyKos' take on how it spreads.

…right-wing radio passes the talking point to right-wing TV and newspapers, which pass the talking point to the right-wing politicians. Usually there's a generous assist from Drudge and Politico, and that's often all it takes to get the rest of the establishment media to pile on and parrot the talking point, lest they miss out on the kerfuffle du jour. (And let's not forget right-wing think tanks and corporate front groups, who help provide "studies" and "position papers" and "policy speeches" to add a dollop of fake gravitas to the right-wing talking point.) All one big happy echo chamber.

In fairness, the left has its own set of daily talking points but they lack the noise machine required to spread the word out to the masses.  There is no Rush Limbaugh or Fox News on the left working in unison to slam anything which has a liberal stamp on it.  And then doing so with the shameless attitude required to lie, distort and pretty much say anything which helps muddy up the waters a bit more.

The right's success derives from its ability to keep the misinformed misinformed and allowing them to believe that they are indeed informed.  The wingnuts tuning in really don't know any better.  If Glenn Beck, Erick Erickson, Sarah Palin, Jim DeMint and Michele Bachmann are all saying the same thing, then hey, it has to be true.

All in all, it's a neat trick.