OK, I have to say it because I don't know who else will. As a feminist and someone who believes in attachment parenting I HAVE to say it....Sarah Palin should be home with her 4 month old baby (who has downs syndrome by the way). She has no business being Vice President of the whole freakin' country.
There I've said it.
I feel better.
Now, I have NO PROBLEM with women working, I just think they should either have a job they can do with their children or NOT HAVE CHILDREN if they want to work (of course children should be intergrated into our society in an ideal world but that's another topic, oh yes and class issues but that's STILL another topic).
Plain and simple. Want to be VP? Wait until the kids are in college or don't have them. Sheesh! I thought Republicans were suppose to be "family focused". Gimmie a break. Drives me nuts.
When will we learn that pushing women into the work force at the expense of our kids is NOT feminist? I thought that was the ONE thing republicans and I could agree on.
Guess not.
Here's a run down on Sarah Plain and Tall in case you're wondering because I was. I thought - young mom from Alaska - that sounds cool. Nope - not.
She's a pro gun memeber of the NRA
Does NOT support gay marriage
Does NOT support marijuana legalization
She is pro life even the case of rape and incest and while she is pro controception she believes in abstinece only education (tell that to her pregnant 17 year old daughter. That's not political fodder by the way. I personally have no problem with it)
She does NOT believe global warming is man made
She believes creationsim should be taught in public schools.
Yeah ....well...that's all I have to say about that.
**Update** I should add her husband does not stay home with the babe which I think would be exceptable (as long as he brought the babe to her for nursing sessions throughout the day). Nope, he's an oil field producer. Surprise Surprise!