When I first heard the theory that the Nephites and the Lamanites might not actually have been people but fairies, or at last perhaps Moroni was, I was very intrigued. Since then, the more I read, the more it makes a lot of sense to me.
"Christianity knows them [fairies] as angels, saints....To many tribes they were gods, spirits of nature and place, and the spirits of the ancestors." Faery Call, Katlyn, p. 6
"Many believe they were mound dwellers, the Sidhe [Celtic fairies], whose tradition is attached to the mounds and earth dwellings..." Faery Call, Katlyn, p. 9
Joseph Smith was visited by the angel Moroni, who kept watch at the hill (mound) Cumorah over the golden plates which were translated into the Book of Mormon. The B of M is an account of the ancestors of the American land.
More to come on this.....