Last night I had a brainstorm of inspiration! It must be the moon in my 5th house today, all creative 'n stuff. I was reading a letter written by Joseph Smith on where the word Mormon comes from.
Editor of the Times and Seasons:
SIR:—Through the medium of your paper I wish to correct an error among men that profess to be learned, liberal and wise; and I do it the more cheerfully because I hope sober-thinking and sound-reasoning people will sooner listen to the voice of truth than be led astray by the vain pretensions of the self-wise.
The error I speak of is the definition of the word "Mormon." It has been stated that this word was derived from the Greek word mormo. This is not the case. There was no Greek or Latin upon the plates from which I, through the grace of the Lord, translated the Book of Mormon. Let the language of the book speak for itself. ...
Before I give a definition, however, to the word, let me say that the Bible in its widest sense, means good; for the Savior says according to the gospel of John, "I am the good shepherd" and it will not be beyond the common use of terms, to say that good is among the most important in use, and though known by various names in different languages, still its meaning is the same, and is ever in opposition to bad. We say from the Saxon, good; the Dane, god; the Latin, bonus; the Greek, kalos; the Hebrew, tob; and the Egyptian, mon. Hence, with the addition of more, or the contraction, mor, we have the word MORMON; which means, literally, more good.
Times and Seasons, Vol.4, No.13, May 15, 1843, p.194,
also History of the Church Vol. 5, p.399
So it's a saxon and ancient Egyptian combo word. I LOVE combo words. Nykki is short for Nykekkiwakan which is Hawaiian and Lakota for "scared little baby who's name begins with 'N'".
So I got to thinking about words and ancient Egyptian and so on. I'm struck how the words "mon", "moon", "good" and "god" all seems to weave around each other here. They grow and spin and barrow from one another in quite an inspiring way!
Nes pas mon ami?
So I looked it up and the Egyptian word for Moon is "Yah". Ok, now my mind's spinnnig, Yah as in Yahweh? Well, maybe sorta, it appears to be connected, an outgrowth and murging of the ancient moon God and the God of the bible.
Interesting......I'm still day dreaming about it.
So I thought about the term Morgan meaning Mormon Pagan. I love that term especially because of the link to Morgana the Celtic Goddess and the word "morgan" which means "tomorrow" in German.
I've got a new one for you Mormon, Pagan, Universalists to play with too.
More, good, moon.
More, good, Yah(weh)
Let's all have fun with that one!