When I blog I feel like I'm opening up my home and my life to my readers. I really do. What I post is raw and it's me. It's very personal. You don't have to agree with me, it would be a very boring place if we were all alike. When it somes to politics I'm passionate and I don't mind a passionate response. When the Ron Paulers slam me I just sigh and wonder why they think they'll convince me about Ron Paul by calling me names. Yeah, that kind of behavior will make me see the "light" of Ron Paul.
If you were in my house and saw a "Go, Kucinich" poster you might say "Oh, I'm supporting so n' so because of this or that." It's all cool. But if you saw a cross or star of David, Buddha stature or other religious icon, symbol or other statement of belief or faith would you start telling me I'm wrong?
Some people would. Some people would rail on me, telling me I'm going to hell (and I've had people do that to me in my home and on my blog) but more offensive then that is to take my beliefs and tell me I'm just plain wrong and then assume I'm wrong because I must not have educated myself.
First off I don't want pull my degree cred but at this point I have to whip out the fact that I have a very hard earned Master's Degree in Women's Spirituality and half of my thesis was on my beliefs regarding Mormonism. I'm educated OK, I haven't somehow missed the opinion of the larger LDS church.
That having been said....
Don't you hate it when someone says something really judgemental or offensive and then they try to write it off with "I wasn't trying to be offensive, it wasn't my intention." In such a flip manner? Ugh. It gets to me.
When you take an aspect of someone's spiritual beliefs and say they aren't true and then post this on their blog what are you trying to do if not offend?
Would anyone reading this think of posting "Oh, Jesus wasn't really the son of God, he was a nice guy but not the son of God" on a Christian's blog? No. And why? Because it's offensive.
So if you're intention is never to offend just simply think before you rail on someones spiritual beliefs on their own site, please. Regardless of your intention, it IS judgemental and offensive.
I know many people don't think they are being offesive when they really are and I've certainly stuck my foot in my mouth more than a time or two - but just learn, apologize and go on with life - OK.
I accidently offended a friend of mine once a few years back by making an assumption regarding part of her belief structure. When I realized I hurt her I wrote a letter to her apologizing. I would never ave just written it off as "I didn't meant o offend." Because I adnb't meant to offend but I still DID.
Whatever you do don't just say "I wasn't trying to offend..." and dissregard it when you trash someone's spiritual beliefs.
OK, so I don't want to harp on this so that's all I'll say.