Sunday, November 18, 2007

FAQ: Our Lifestyle

Where do you live?

In a small township in the heart of Mendocino county - the gateway to the redwoods, Northern California. We have a cozy home on top of a hill among the redwood trees.

What does your partner do for a living?

He works for his father installing and maintaining his orchard, he manages some local private properties, and he does landscaping/gardening work.

Are you a stay-at-home mom?

Yes, full-time

Do you grow your own food?

We are in the woods with no sunshine on our property however we use my father-in-laws property to grow what we can.

What do you eat?

Local and organic as much as possible. We were vegans for nearly a decade and I have previously been a raw foodist. We avoid wheat, gluten and processed sugars. I have an allergy to soy. These days we stick to fresh, homemade, home grown food and we're happy with that.

Do you vaccinate?

Absolutely not

Do you circumcise your sons?

Absolutely not. Please visit

Do you breastfeed?

Of course, and exclusively. None of my sons have ever had a bottle touch their lips.

When did you wean?

I never did. Nykki stopped around age five, Ronan and Avington still nurse.

Do you practice family bed and if so, how?

Yes. My husband and I sleep on a king size mattress, on the floor, with our youngest son between us or next to us. Our older two sons sleep on a twin mattress pushed up against ours.

How do you get any sleep?

I get more sleep because I don't have to get up a hundred times in the night. My little one makes slurping noises, I put the boob in his mouth, we both fall back asleep without totally waking.

Do your children go to the doctor?

We have a naturopathic doctor we use first. If we need something "heavier" we have a great doctor at a local clinic but we don't do "well" check ups. We only go if we are truly sick and natural methods have failed.

Do you give your children medications such as Tylenol.

Very rarely

Do you cloth diaper?

We use a mixture of techniques. We use Elimination Communication in coordination with cloth diapers and seventh generation disposables (for long trips)

What is your discipline style?

Good question! Seth and I are a little different in our methods but we try to use positive discipline as described by Dr. Sears. We use time outs for violent behaviors and we never spank. We are always learning and growing with what works for us.

Where do you shop?

We boycott places like Wal Mart and we are committed to buying local, hand made and/or re-used, sustainable products.

How do your dress your children?

Gender free, in whatever they like that is natural and logo free.

What kind of toys do your children play with?

Natural, imaginative toys. We have very little plastic and we encourage no logos.

Where do you get your toys?

Mostly the thrift shop but two other big sources for toys are, and

Are you polyamorus?

No. If you read older entries you will see mentions regarding a time when we were, however we no longer are.

What political party are you?

Seth is very radical but not political, I'm a social anarchist. I voted for Cynthia McKinney in the last election however I have since then given up participating in national politics in favor of local, community-based action.

Can you spell?

I have many talents, sadly, that's not one of them.