This was a demo I wanted to go to so badly. I'm so shocked by what happened!
Border Patrol Brutalizes No Borders Camp Demonstration: Update at 6:10pm
by noborderscampmedia
Sunday Nov 11th, 2007 6:24 PM
At the end of a bi-national march from the site of the No Borders Camp and rally at the Mexicali/Calexico port of entry, around 100 Border Patrol officers and attacked a group of about 30 demonstrators on the u.s. side and with pepper gas pellets, tazers, and batons. 2-3 people were severely beaten and more suffered from the use of chamical weapons. At the moment 3 people are confirmed to be detained. When people dispersed the border patrol chased some people on foot and detained groups of people, forcing them to sit on the sidewalk with their hands on their heads until letting them go five at a time. In one case, a person badly injured by pepper pellets shot at close range was pursued away from the conflict, pulled away from a companion wanting to treat his wounds, surrounded and beaten in the head with batons by up to 15 border patrol agents. All who were temporarily detained on the street have now been released. Two people have been taken into a border patrol vehicle. The two people who have been detained are in urgent need of medical attention. It is reported that many Border Patrol oficers are in the parking lot where people's cars were parked. Further information forthcoming...
A la termina de la marcha bi-nacional que empenzo por el sitio del encampamento No Fronteras y llego a la garita de Mexicai/Calexico para un mitin, unas cien oficiales de las Patrulas Fronterizas attacaron un grupo alredor de 30 manifestantes del lado Estados Unidos con armas chemicas, tazeres, y batones. 2-3 personas fueron gravemente golpeados y mas sufrieron por la aplicacion de gases. Tres personas han sido detenidos. La gente disepersaron y en la salida officiales de las Patrulas Fronterizas persigieron a algunas personas, y lograron a detener a 20 personas en la calle, les hicieron senterse en sus rodillas con sus manos sobre la cabeza, luego les dejaron irse por grupitos de 5 personas. Hubo un caso en que una persona fue gravamente lastimado por las balas de pimiento, balazada desde muy cerca, que fue persiguido cuando se intento a salirse del conflicto. Las autoridades le jalo de las brazos de un companero que buscaba dar attencion medico a sus lesiones, y hasta 15 officiales le rodearon y le golpearon con batones en la cabeza. Las Patrulas Froterizas han subido a menos de dos personas en sus camionetas, y es reportado que tal personas nesisitan atencion medica urgentamenta. Mas informacion siguiria....