Were your children born at home?
Yes, they all were. I had Nykki at home with a midwife friend, Ronan and Avington were unassisted births.
What's an Unassisted Birth?
It's a practice that believes a woman is the one who best understands her body best and that due to medical training and pesky laws midwives often cannot make the choices that are best for mom and baby, no more than doctors can.
So who was at Ronan's birth?
Myself, my partner and a friend
Who was at Avington's birth?
Myself, Seth and our two boys.
But what if something goes wrong?
Your fear perspective is not part of my reality. The only stats kept on Unassisted Birth, by the Center for Unhindered Living, show planned unassited births to be safest for mom and baby. Safer than a hospital, safer than a midwife.
Is it legal?
Do many women make this choice?
It's growing in popularity.
Where can I learn more about Unassisted Childbirth?
The best place to start is at www.freebirth.com and you can order my book on Unassisted Childbirth here