Sunday, December 19, 2010

Tips to Fix Time in Blogging

Tips to Fix Time in Blogging, Organize_Time tips to optimize your time for blog writing
I read dozens of blogs devoted to advice and tips for SEO. Users follow the advice to start a blog , then apply it to write better and optimize SEO. Then, when they had some results, they face a huge problem, time. They discover that blogging is an art of living, and must have a place in the schedule as busy as it is.

When I read the reviews of beginners, I see comments like: I have no time to blog or I have no time to write articles every day. It is essential to have a concrete timetable to get there, and I too do not publish on my blog every day, but when you look closer, you realize you can earn minutes here and there.

6 Tips To Organize Time In Blogging
1. Less theory and more practice! Beginners spend too much time reading and making plans for the long term. Stop, and take action, write, write, and write! Even if you are a champion in SEO, it is useless if you lack in contents. Do not be a blog reader, be a creative blogger.

2. Look after your health, I know it looks stupid, but we must take care of our health. Exercise, jugging, walk, to unwind the mind. In other words, be more energetic!

3. Focus on the important aspect of the blog, The goal of any blogger is to have visitors, so you can concentrate on that, and what attracts visitors? Ahh content? Well here it is, then is it useful to publish the stats every week? It is also interesting to directly address the reader, avoid the impersonal tone.
4. Stop controlling the statistics! All bloggers are obsessed with statistics, including me. Some are so obsessed that they publish the number of statistics in their blog! I’m not saying do not do it, but every week, it borders on the ridiculous! The statistics will improve automatically if you produce content in quantity and quality.

5. Do not get distracted, Most of us spend their time in social networks and RSS readers, they want to be the first to be informed. And the content? It’s nice to treat the personnal branding, but the latter only if you have any articles to prove it. Currently, the reputation on Twitter or Facebook is not as important as that of a blog. The best is to organize time for both theory and practice.

6. Emphasize quality over quantity, Some follow a step too hectic, they think that writing articles 4 or 5 turn them into better bloggers.  Your blog will not die if you miss a day or two, it is better to write a good article a week.