So a few days ago I got a tiny infection between my finger nail and my finger. No biggie right? They usually go away on their own.
Not this one.
It got worse, so I put Tea Tree oil on it and took Goldenseal.
It still got worse.
I put Lavendar and Peppermint oil on it.
It got better.
Then it got worse again.
I made an appointment with my naturopathic doctor.
Last night the finger got stiff and started to go numb, I figured I couldn't wait for my naturopath. I called her emergency number but she didn't call back.
My friends daughter had a brush a while ago with super staff, I figured I had better go to the emergency room.
So off we all went.
A local, stab it, drain it, remove part of my fingernail, bandage it. Prescribe antibiotics.
Very standarded western reaction, but the infection had built up behind the nail so it probably was best to drain it.
I might not be a fan of western medicine or even technology but Goddess bless pain numbing technology!
Home and in bed at 1 AM with a trobbing finger (the local had worn off at this point). The doc had wanted to give me Vixadin for the pain - no thanks, I've had babies, I can handle it LOL
Restless sleep, grouchy children. But we're all doing much better today!
Be thankful my camera cord is currently lost or might not have spared you the pictures! LOL
And yes, I got a shot in my butt! Nykki found this to be the highlight of the trip.