First to all you Mormons like me out there here are some incredible new groups and websites that are popping up:
iMoroni Yahoo Group This group was formed to explore the question, "what if this angel, prophet, historian [Moroni] was in fact a nature divinity of the Hill Cumorah?
This is what I would like to explore, this pagan aspect of this being.This group is for like minded people whom wish to learn more."
I cannot express how excited I am about this group and concept! So join the group and the discussion!
Early Mormon History is a myspace group for Mormons who like to debate their faith
Discussing Mormonism is another liberal Mormon group with some awesome discussions going on, so sign up and express your voice too!
The John Whitmer Historical Association is like a Sunstone group for the Church or Christ (formally the Reoganized Church Latter-day Saints)
Reform Mormon is a home-based group for Mormons interested in
• rational thinking
• the importance of knowledge, intelligence, and progression
• freedom from judgement and condemnation
• eternity (an existence other than this one)
• morality and accountability
• evolution and man's ultimate destiny as an evolved being
they are
• we're pro-gay, pro-women, and pro-intellectualism
• we keep church and state separate
Now on to helping the FLDS women!
Over 400 children are being torn from their mother’s arms by the US government in the state of Texas.
Here are the facts:
No complaining victims exist and the original abuse allegations were fraudulent, pumped up in the media by anti-polygamist activists.
No pregnant girls were found at the YFZ Ranch who were under 16 (the legal marriage age in Texas, with parental consent).
10 women between the ages of 16 and 19 were listed as married to older men. Five were listed as having children.
Angie Voss from the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services has testified that the supposition that abuse may happen some day in the future justifies the removal of over 400 children of both sexes and all ages from their environment.
What kind of country are we living in that instead of a case by case investigation, the government rounds up and steals 400 children including nursing babies?!
ANY alternative lifestyle could be next! Please help by signing the online petition at
Write to the governor of Texas Rick Perry, and voice your outrage:
Office of the Governor
P.O. Box 12428
Austin, Texas 78711-2428
Call him at: (512) 463-1782
Share this information! Get the word out to help these women :)