So yesterday was one of the best days of my life!
I went to Willits and we had an awesome playgroup, it was like a party! Great snacks, terrific people - all the elements.
Then we went to our old place to check the mail and get some stuff and I had to go to the bathroom but we didn't have any toilet paper - just the mail. So I do I say this? I wiped my ass with my student loan bill!!!! ROFL!
Feel free to virtually high-five me at this point
We went home, I got all cute, left the kiddos with my man, picked up Carlee and proceeded to the BEST CONCERT EVER!
Ani's opening act was non other than the amazing Judy Grahn (who's the head of my graduate school program in Women's Spirituality at ITP Palo Alto).
So I heard Judy and her latest poetry (amazing) and then during Ani I ducked out and hung with Judy for a moment then back for MORE ANI!!!!!
How can I describe an Ani Di Franco concert? Ani could find the words but I can't.
2 T-shirts, forty dollars
1 bumper sticker, 3 dollars
Seeing Ani DiFranco with your best friend, priceless!!!
And now I have a sexy man walking around my house wearing an Ani T-shirt (pause for momentary drooling)
It was the Best day! Did I say that already?