Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Marraige Challenge Week 8 - Respect Your Husband

Here's what Courtney has to say this week...

It's Week #8 in our marriage challenge and this challenge is straight from the Bible:
R-E-S-P-E-C-T Your Husband!
Ephesians 5:33 says "Each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself and the wife must respect her husband."

The blogging challenge to us to write about what we've learned in our quest to give our husbands respect.

This seems like such a simple thing yet it is so important and so many women don't do this! A man's pride and need of respect is delicate and essential to a healthy relationship. They need to know we respect them by our words and our actions.

Here's what I've learned...

1. Learn this phase, "I respect your....." Opinion, thoughts, ideas, plan, direction, discipline style, etc. Use it often but not in a disagreeing way but a happy one. Don't say "Well, I think we should do such -n-such but I respect your plan." Use it like, "I really respect your strong leadership, it makes me feel so safe."

2. Make sure the children respect your husband. Never speak ill of their father in front of them no matter how frustrated you are. He needs the respect but they also need to see their father as respectable.

3. Don't sigh, snort, snicker, or sarcastically degrade him or his ideas/plans.

4. DO NOT tease him about his weaknesses, do not complain to others about what you see as his weaknesses.

5. Always, always, always speak well of your husband in public.

A respected husband will act respectable. They LOVE it when we treat them well! We women hold the secret to more of our family's happiness then we ever imagined and one of the most important first steps is the practice of respect

Live by the Faith,
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