Sunday, August 15, 2010

Headlines - Sunday August 15

Here are some insane people protesting a mosque. Religious tolerance only applies to "christians".
Get your war news here.
4,414 soldiers killed in Iraq; 1,226 in Afghanistan that we know of.
No one's counting the darkies.
I'm holding out for the one that limits hateful bigots, conservatards, and Jesus junkies.
Jeremy Scahill: Wikileaks and War Crimes
Jebus H. Christ: A Republican state house candidate from northern Florida is standing by her proposal to build internment camps for undocumented immigrants that would "collect enough illegal aliens until you have enough to ship them back."
Don't Bother, They're Here
Howie has a hilarious post up today about the Tea Party clown show down in Florida. Here's an
Michael Moore points out something unpleasant: During the first half of 2010, GM made $2.2 billion in profit, yet according to The Wall Street Journal, they've only added 2,000 jobs in all of North America, taking their workforce from 113,000 to 115,000.
Keep reading:

Gallup polled the usual question: "What do you think is the most important problem facing American today?"

Overwhelmingly, Americans said the economy and jobs. 58 percent, in fact.

And the federal budget deficit? Seven percent.

That's right. 58 percent versus 7 percent.

But, of course, the old media, the Republicans and the conservadems will still screech about how the American people want the president to cut spending, reduce the deficit and cut taxes for the wealthiest two percent instead of, you know, creating jobs and stimulating the economy.


Newt Gingrich: homophobe, self-serving politician or both?


"We're going to have to fundamentally revisit how we deal with judges because the judicial branch has grown much too powerful and much too dictatorial and now regularly over reaches in telling us how to live."


"Judge Walker's ruling overturning Prop 8 is an outrageous disrespect for our Constitution and for the majority of people of the United States who believe marriage is the union of husband and wife."

"Congress now has the responsibility to act immediately to reaffirm marriage as a union of one man and one woman as our national policy."

In Gingrich's case, it's actually a simultaneous union of one man with a number of women but that's another story. The point here is whether this asshole can be any more transparent?  Gingrich's argument is that the courts have no right to tell people how to live but he and Congress do.  Judge Walker based his opinion on his interpretation of the Constitution.  If Gingrich does not agree with the ruling then let the appeal process travel its way all the way to the Supreme Court.

Congress can reaffirm all they want.  The final decision goes to the courts .  Sorry homophobes, that's the way the process works.


No racism here.


Obama: The Republicans are coming to steal your Social Security.


Dittos - What Tbogg said.



Reacting angrily to President Obama's statement yesterday in support of the Cordoba House community center in lower Manhattan on the basis of religious freedom, blogger and CNN contributor Erick Erickson compared supporting the rights of Muslims to establish mosques in America to supporting "human sacrifice" by the Church of Satan. Erickson went on to suggest that the president's interpretation of American religious freedom could also extend to support for "jihad".

Picture 2Picture 1

As the Guardian's Michael Tomasky notes, the president's support for the Cordoba House "is going to be demagogued to death in the next few days. The important part is going forward. Hang tough. Stand by the position. Don't trim sails or add asterisks after Mitch McConnell or Dick Cheney or whomever says whatever hideous thing they're going to say."

By supporting the rights of an unpopular religious minority, President Obama is firmly within the bounds of America's best traditions and values. The same can't be said of those cultivating fear of Muslims for political gain.


Fox News ignores Dr. Laura Schlessinger's "n" word tirade


Denial is not a river in Egyot, asshats

Breaking: Al Gore is Fat!

Last month was the second warmest July on record, and so far 2010 remains on track to be the hottest year.
The report comes after a month of worldwide extremes including floods, fires, melting ice and feverish heat. Atmospheric scientists have grown increasingly concerned about human-induced global warming in recent years, though political pressures and fierce arguments about climate change have slowed efforts to develop solutions.
All bullshit. After all, DC had a blizzard in February. And then there is that big chunk of ice that is three times bigger than Manhattan floating down the Atlantic ocean.
Nothing see here, Prole, move on.

Bonnie and Clyde? Al Capone? Jeffrey Dahmer? Charles Manson? Ted Bundy? Feh! Amateurs!

Conservative bloggers have selected their 25 Worst Figures In American History -- and what they came up with will, unfortunately, surprise nobody:

25) Saul Alinsky
24) Bill Clinton
23) Hillary Clinton
22) Michael Moore
21) George Soros

20) Alger Hiss
19) Al Sharpton
18) Al Gore
17) Noam Chomsky
16) Richard Nixon

15) Jane Fonda
14) Harry Reid
13) Nancy Pelosi
12) John Wilkes Booth
11) Margaret Sanger

10) Aldrich Ames
9) Timothy McVeigh
Potatoe -- uhh, 8) Ted Kennedy
7) Lyndon Johnson
6) Benedict Arnold

5) Woodrow Wilson
4) The Rosenbergs
3) Franklin Delano Roosevelt
2) Barack Obama
1) Jimmy Carter

Fucking retards. I'm amazed they could even count that high.

Secret Assault on Terrorism Widens on Two Continents.