Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Completing Him Challenge, Last Week - Kiss Him Like You Mean It!

I've been having some blogger issues so this week's Summer Marriage Challenge from Courtney is a little late. This is the finale week! Oh where, oh where did the summer go? It just flew by didn't it?

This weeks challenge is to kiss him like you mean it!

Song of Songs 5:16 says "His mouth is sweetness itself; he is altogether lovely. This I my lover, this my friend."
Build your man up tonight with some sweetness and kiss him like you mean it!

This challenge is dear to my heart because about a half a year ago I decided to never say "no" to my hubby's request for one-on-one time with me. Now obviously I can't drop everything all the time but I make sure I make him a priority.

It's a sweet life, let me tell you...

Just a few days ago my hubby and I got to smoochin' and I was AMAZED that all three kids cuddled up together to watch a movie while Seth and I got to have alone time - in the middle day!

Prior to my commitment to never say "no" I would have told him we had to wait un
til that evening when the kids were in bed but I was shocked to find everything fall into place perfectly when I made my husband the priority he deserves to be!

Sex is a beautiful gift, so go on, go kiss your man like you mean it!

Live by the Faith,
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