Thursday, August 26, 2010

Headlines - Thursday August 26

Jane Mayer: The billionaire brothers who are waging a war against Obama  The Kochsucker Brothers
Betty Bowers says: Put down those cocktails and make sure you are sitting down before you hear this shocking news. Former GOP Chairman and anti-gay toady Ken Mehlman isn't quite anti-gay enough not to be gay! After years as mewling servitude as the Karl Rove's Roy Cohn (which involved just as much gayness, but far less p...erspiration, than being Rove's Jeff Gannon), the 43 year-old bachelor claims he stumbled upon "this conclusion about his identity fairly recently." He's either lying or very stupid (neither of which would disqualify him for his previous job) because anyone with ears knew Mr. Mehlman was gayer than a pink parasol at a Lady Gaga concert the first time he opened his mouth on television. Let's pray that Ken's bountiful self-hatred leads him to Christ!
So, how can Ken Mehlman redeem himself? I want to hear from Ken that he is sorry for being the architect of the 2004 Bush reelection campaign. I want to hear from Ken that he is sorry for his role in developing strategy that resulted in George W. Bush threatening to veto ENDA or any bill containing hate crimes laws. I want to hear from Ken that he is sorry for the pressing of two Federal Marriage Amendments as political tools. I want to hear from Ken that he is sorry for developing the 72-hour strategy, using homophobic churches to become political arms of the GOP before Election Day.
Another way in which Obama administration policies go further than Bush's did: officials at Guantanamo no longer tell us how many hunger strikers they are force feeding.

But they do
inform us that they are doing it in a culturally sensitive way, force feeding them only between dusk and dawn during Ramadan.

So that's okay then.

"By last summer, staff were pointing to Butter Pecan flavored Ensure as popular with the chair-shackled captives. Flavor made no difference going down, one nurse explained, but a captive could taste it if he burped later."
Why Are Palin, Gingrich, and Fox News Doing Bin Laden's Work? A Saudi royal prince is, after Rupert Murdoch and his family, the second largest investor in NewsCorp., the company that runs Fox News, employs Palin and Gingrich and Glenn Beck and which recently gave a million dollar donation to the Republican Party.
A key figure in Japan's ruling party dubbed Americans "simple-minded" in a speech to fellow lawmakers Wednesday.

It was not clear what prompted the remarks by Democratic Party heavyweight Ichiro Ozawa at a political seminar, in which he otherwise paid tribute to Americans' commitment to democracy, saying it was something Japan should learn from.

"I like Americans, but they are somewhat monocellular," the former Democratic Party leader said.
"When I talk with Americans, I often wonder why they are so simple-minded."
Wanna know what I think is "simple-minded" (and barbaric)? Killing whales and dolphins, and cutting off shark's fins.  
"I'm Pat fucking Tillman." - his last words as he tried to get the American soldiers to stop fucking shooting him Link  
The MPAA rated the Pat Tillman movie "R" because of that one curse word.  I think kids need to know about their government's cover-up of his murder.
The ten most colorful towns on earth.
The True Face of the GOP
I have to give Louisiana Rep. John Fleming credit for one thing -- at least he's honest about the theocratic goals of his party:

Appearing before the Republican Women of Bossier with Sen. David Vitter (R-LA), Rep. John Fleming (R-LA) cast the November elections as a choice between godlessness and Christianity. He also called bipartisanship impossible.

"We have two competing world views here and there is no way that we can reach across the aisle -- one is going to have to win," Fleming said.

We are either going to go down the socialist road and become like western Europe and create, I guess really a godless society, an atheist society. Or we're going to continue down the other pathway where we believe in freedom of speech, individual liberties and that we remain a Christian nation. So we're going to have to win that battle, we're going to have to solve that argument before we can once again reach across and work together on things.

Got that? A Christian nation. I'd like to know exactly what Mr. Fleming has in mind for those of us who are not Christian. Forced conversion? Mass death? What, exactly? And if either of those, please explain how this makes Mr. Fleming any different from any radical Muslim?

A new study shows that religious people tend to be more racist than atheists and agnostics.
I don't think it means what they think it means

Palin gloating over her endorsee's apparent win:

However, a quick perusal of urban dictionary lends Miller's message a new meaning:

1. moose hunting

Going out for the sole purpose of getting fat nasty women

If Miller does indeed win, he may want to acquaint himself with the way "them city folk" talk.


Oh here we go

Because this has "happy ending" written all over it:

The Christian conservative organization Right Wing Extreme has offered its support and protection for the International Burn a Quran day.

Right Wing Extreme was founded in April of 2009 after the Department of Homeland Security's report titled Right Wing Extremism.[...]

"We fully support Dove World Outreach Center and its efforts to put an end to the notion that Islam is a peaceful religion. Islam is a violent cult with the goal of world domination." Says Right Wing Extreme founder Shannon Carson.

Meanwhile, Muslim cabbies are getting stabbed in NYC

Congratulations, Hate Flamethrowers. You wanted a race war, and it looks like you're going to get it.

UPDATE: The assailant will be charged with "attempted murder two as a hate crime, assault with a weapon as a hate crime, aggravated harassment second degree because of race and religion, and criminal possession of a weapon."


What Dick Cavett said.


Wisco had a bunch of great columns while I was away.


Jesus' General: Mein Popenfuhrer ist eine Wohwollende Popenfuhrer

Michael Voris, STD
Senior Executive Producer

Dear Mr. Vortis, 

Like you, I'm worried about the American electorate. They're far too protestant, far too secular, and far too brown to cast meaningful votes. I mean, my gosh, they elected an Amish Moor in the last presidential election. Next, it'll be a Chinese Lutheran. You can bet on that.

Thank the Blessed Virgin, you have a plan to end this crisis. Here's how you explain it on your video:


Jesus' General: a christian army for a christian nation

Brigadier General Brian R. Layer
Commanding General
Fort Eustis, VA

Gen. Layer,

I'm very pleased to see that you're not only continuing the Commanding General's Spiritual Fitness Concert Series instituted by your predecessor, you're also improving it by punishing those who refuse to attend. I think it's a grand idea, one that I hope will spread quickly to other bases.

While it's unfortunate that activist judges continue to interpret the phrase "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" to mean "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," it's a blessing God's shown you a way around it. You're not forcing the un-Jesused to convert, you're simply compelling them to worship and praise our Lord and Savior, Jesus H. Christ. Sure, some of the Jews, Muslims, Jehovah's Witnesses, Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs, and atheists might complain about being forced to worship our Lord, but screw them, they aren't real Americans anyway.

That said, A news report about Nevada GOP Senate Candidate Sharron Angle alerted me to an even greater threat our soldiers face: the Army's black beret. According to Angle, black is a demonic color, a satanic color, a color she felt was so evil, she
led an effort to bar a high school football team from wearing it.

Well Sir, if black is too sinful for football, it's too sinful for our military. I trust you'll ban the black beret from being worn on base.

Heterosexually yours,

Gen. JC Christian, patriot



Mario Piperni: When is a moderate a jihadist? When Fox says he is, of course.


After that rape thing, I suspect WikiLeaks is only going to do more of this now.


"Call when you get honest work!"

White House: "We'll accept Simpson's apology; he'll continue to serve."

click to zoom

I always knew that he wasn't the raging leftist he was painted to be. I took a lot of flak from a lot of people during the primaries for not seeing Barack Obama as the progressive savior we'd been waiting for. That the guy I supported turned out to be a personal trainwreck doesn't change the fact that we found out everything we needed to know about Barack Obama in 2004, when he sat on his hands when the late, great Stephanie Tubbs-Jones needed a Senator to co-sign her objection to certifying the highly suspect Ohio election results, and then selected the odious sellout Joe Lieberman as his mentor.

Oh, I had some hopes about him; not the "hopey-changey" stuff that Sarah Palin likes to mock, but some hope that perhaps he would feel the responsiblity that accompanied the work of the people who got him elected. When he signed the Lilly Ledbetter Act, that hope was enhanced somewhat. But by the end of his first year in office, it became clear that Barack Obama was always going to be more concerned with being conciliatory towards those who hated him and would never regard him as a legitimate president than with the concerns of those who got him elected.

But despite my doubts about Barack Obama, even I never dreamed that he'd be so bound and determined to be the guy who presided over the destruction of Social Security. How else to explain why he not only named the known Social Security opponent Alan Simpson to HEAD up his "deficit commission", but plans to keep him even after Simpson's "macaca moment" the other day?

And so, we are left with only one conclusion: Barack Obama is keeping Alan Simpson, a known opponent of Social Security, whose disrespect for a group of women also shows him to be a misogynist, on the Comission because he agrees with Simpson's goals.

Barack Obama: Destroyer of Social Security. It's obviously what he wants. And if he doesn't, he'd damn well better start showing with DEEDS, not speeches, that it isn't. Or else the hell with it -- let Sarah Palin become president, with Sharron Angle as her #2. I'll grab the popcorn, watch the end game, and figure I've had a good run. At least with the Republicans I KNOW how badly they're going to fuck things up.


No Temple for the God of Terrorism

I'm sure this mosque vandalism, like yesterday's cabbie stabbing, is another isolated incident that has nothing to do with the hateful rhetoric spewed by 2009's most frequent guest on Meet the Press, Newt Gingrich, and the rest of the assholes hoping to leverage the base fears and prejudices of an ignorant minority.


Thrifty! (Food Safety): It's a common if little-known practice in the food industry — salvaging and selling products that may have been tainted with disease.


First there was Basil Marceaux, now: Jesus Romantic Chris Young Is Your Next Providence Mayor
Cheer up little town
Washington sad about upcoming Glenn Beck festival 

MLK should come back and go Blam! Blam! Blam! with his power fists of justice, knock that shit DOWN.

Washington, D.C. looks, like, super-depressed about having to host this weekend's Glenn Beck's Lard-Baby Rally & Hate Festival, you guys. When it saw that junky "Restoring Honor" stage banner thingie go up, it felt really embarrassed and even kind of distraught, you know? So it went all gray and overcast. Didn't feel like sunshining. Seemed so … pointless.


Because it's land, Washington can't just pick up and, like, hitch a Chinatown bus to New York City to escape for the weekend, do something cool like that. It has to stay right where it is, and watch all the big ol' lard babies shiftin' and jigglin' around inside their flag-festooned sweatpant-sacks, and listen to the screeches and horror sounds. Poor thing. Hope it doesn't get too PTSD'ed. [Restoring Honor Rally Facebook page]



Happy days are here again and the economy is reb... oopsi!.

If California's unemployed residents banded together and formed a city, it would be the fifth-largest place in America, just behind Houston but ahead of Phoenix.
Middle class? We don't need no stinking middle class.