Thursday, February 11, 2010

Headlines - Thursday

Sen. Mitch McConnell said that the weather was interfering with the operation of the government. He was probably miffed because that's his job.
Barack O'Bankster Says He Doesn't Begrudge Bank Executives' Bonuses
Mr. Obama, responding to a question, termed the $17 million bonus awarded Jamie Dimon, the chief executive of JP Morgan Chase, or the $9 million that went to Lloyd Blankfein, the Goldman Sachs chief executive, as "extraordinary," but compared the amounts to what some athletes make. He said, "there are some baseball players who are making more than that and don't get to the World Series either, so I'm shocked by that as well."
"I, like most of the American people, don't begrudge people success or wealth. That is part of the free- market system." 
Yes, well thanks for that, Barry. But I don't pay the salaries of baseball players. I DO however have to pay for these greedy bastards - the ones that ran their companies into the ground. And another thing? Speak for yourself, dude, I totally begrudge people success and wealth. 
Krugman: Oh my God. Obama clueless.
'Bipartisan solution' is an oxymoron
Flintstones clubLike a lot of kids from my generation, I grew up watching The Flintstones. It wasn't very funny, but I was a kid, it was colorful, and that was good enough. After all, this was the same generation that thought Scooby Doo was the best thing ever, despite the fact that every single episode was almost identical -- different location, different villain in a different costume, and that was it.

Needless to say, I don't see a lot I still find funny when I look back. Except the boxing matches. That was a great idea. You get two cavemen in a boxing ring and they take turns whacking each other over the head with a club. I think this is pretty funny still, but I'm a deeply disturbed man.
Virginia Republican bans Satan

A hero legislator in Virginia's House of Delegates sponsored a bill that finally bans the practice of forcibly implanting microchips in humans. Delegate Mark Cole (R-Fredericksburg) is not some mere privacy advocate: he is saving us from the antichrist. 

Not since "Jim DeMint's grandchildren build an igloo to prove that Al Gore is stoopid" (earlier today!) has one piece of mid-Atlantic region local news so succinctly explained just how far this nation of idiot children has regressed.

London calling: British investigators want to interview Bush officials on the Iraq war:
From Urban Dictionary

Sen. Ben Nelson (D-NE) turns on Obama again, this time over civilian trials for terror suspects. 
Spewing the hate tax-free
What would Jesus think of the religious right?

Another example of the ugly, venomous talk which emanates from the religious right all too often.

Southern Baptist Pastor Wiley Drake of Buena Park sent out an email Monday night, saying that perhaps his prayers had been answered with the death of Rep. John Murtha yesterday.

"Maybe God took him out," Drake wrote. "Maybe God Answered our IMPRECATORY prayer that we prayed every 30 days."

The Pennsylvania congressman, a decorated former Marine who fiercely opposed the Iraq war, died at the age of 77 after complications from gallbladder surgery.

I asked Drake if his statements weren't distasteful, particularly coming immediately after Murtha's death. He said that as a Christian, he didn't buy into the sentiment of not speaking ill of the dead.

"It's not distasteful to pray the word of God and include somebody's name," he said. "I didn't celebrate his death. I said maybe it was God's answer to our imprecatory prayer."

Drake regularly asks his "prayer warriors" to participate in prayer targeting "unrighteous" politicians. He typically uses Psalms 109, including these passages including in his Monday email: "Let his days be few; and let another take his office." And, "Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow."

At one point, Drake prayed for the death of President Barack Obama. However, he dropped that because he wants to see Obama face charges that he is not a natural-born citizen and so cannot be president. Drake has such a lawsuit on appeal.

Drake said he and his prayer warriors had been praying for Murtha's death for four or five months. Among other things, Drake said Murtha's use of profanity and his use of God's name in vain. Beside praying for the death of specific politicians, he said they pray for "politicians in general who are taking unrighteous stands."

Here is Drake talking to Alan Colmes last June:

This guy targeted Murtha because he curses? Takes the Lord's name in vain? Jesus. I'm sure I must be on his radar also. If not, Pastor Drake, go f*&k yourself.


Now prohibited by the TSA

Studying while flying.
A Pennsylvania man sued the federal government Wednesday, alleging that he was abusively interrogated, handcuffed and detained for five hours at Philadelphia's airport in August because he carried a set of English-Arabic flashcards as part of his college language studies.
Feel safer now?
yves rossy
...haven't these poor people yet realized they've named themselves after a nadsack on the chin?
Barney Frank explains how right wing media spreads disinformation, and Batocchio explains how it gets into government.

soyblo cold

I hope your hair extensions freeze and fall off… you really are your daddy's little girl. Why not just cut to the chase and tell the homeless to get a job, or let them eat cake.


Calling all bisexual judges ...

After a columnist for The San Francisco Chronicle claimed that Judge Vaughn Walker is gay, some religious groups are clamoring that he recuse himself from presiding over the federal trial for Proposition 8.

Several groups opposed to gay rights have issued statements that a homosexual justice constitutes an unacceptable bias in a case over California's ban on gay marriage.


GOP to blizzard states: drop dead

My, they've become a screaming parody of themselves, don't you think?


Where do we send our checks to help make this happen? "CQ Politics is reporting that "the movement to draft CNBC host Larry Kudlow to run against Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) is charging full-speed ahead." A nation of econobloggers and political reporters holds its breath (and poison pen) in feverish anticipation. ... It's not just that the prospect of an inveterate anti-tax, pro-supply-side ideologue with high name recognition running for the Senate in the media capital of the world would be the equivalent of a massive jobs stimulus plan targeted directly at the beleaguered news business. There's also the fun to be had detailing how one man could so consistently be so wrong when discussing his supposed specialty: the economy."


Blizzard being used to prove and deny climate change

Both sides of the climate change 'debate' have decided that the snowstorm proves their case. 'Morons' argue that because it is cold, global warming is a myth. 'Scientists' counter that climate change means more extreme weather, not just warming. NYT


Colbert rips Fox news for using snowstorm to deny global warming: